Fractional Distillation occurs when a mixed liquid is heated up until each component or fraction boils and evaporates

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Fractional Distillation is the process where a mixture separates into its different components or fractions, examples can be separating chemical compounds by their boiling point by heating them to a temperature where one or more of the compound's will vaporize. This is a special type of distillation. Generally the component parts of the compound start to boil at less than 25°C from each other under a pressure of one atmosphere.         Fractional Distillation occurs when a mixed liquid is heated up until each component or fraction boils and evaporates out of the initial liquid. This occurs because different
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fractions have different boiling points, when the boiling point for a certain compound is reached the vapor being evaporated off lands in a different container where there will be a more pure sample of that compound. Just like distillation, fractional distillation works because the different compounds in the mixture have different boiling points. Fractional Distillation is used very commonly in petroleum refineries, petrochemical and chemical plants and natural gas processing plants.  In petroleum refineries fractional distillation is used to separate the different fractions found in crude oil. The process of how crude oil separates through fractional distillation is as follows, ...

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