Galilio's falling bodies

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Galileo’s falling bodies

It is said that Galileo Galilee investigated the laws of motion by dropping cannon balls from the top of the leaning tower of Pisa. In 1604 he deducted that, without friction, all falling objects, light or heavy, would fall with the same acceleration. Galileo’s ideas were not entirely accepted. Our present-day ideas about forces and motion mainly come from Isaac Newton’s laws of motion, which were put forward by him some 80-odd years after Galileo’s observation.


I am carrying out an investigation to see whether Galileo was right with his observation.

Preliminary experiment

For my preliminary experiment I set up the equipment and measured the distance from the floor to the ground. This was the distance the weights would fall which was 2.6m. One person then dropped a 500g weight from the ceiling and used a stopwatch to time how long it took to hit the floor. In then did this experiment again for a 1kg weight and then repeated each of the weights five times each in total.


1kg velocity= 3.44 mps

500g velocity= 4.76 mps

This seems wrong because you would expect the heavier weight to have the quickest speed and highest acceleration. Air resistance, in accurate timing and friction may be factors that affected the speed of the weights. In my proper experiment I will have to try and cut down these inaccuracies to get fairer more reliable results.


From my preliminary experiment results I would predict that the lighter the weights the quicker they fall, however I do not think this will be correct. I predict that as the weights become heavier they will hit the ground quicker therefore the heaviest weight will have the highest acceleration and the lowest weight will have the least acceleration.

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 I think this due to my scientific knowledge I already have about gravity.

Main experiment


Ticker timer- this will be used to count how long it takes for the weight to reach the ground

Ticker tape- the ticker timer will print dots onto this to give us our reading

Sticky tape- this will attach the ticker tape to the weight

Weights (5x 100 gram)- These will be dropped to test Galileo's observation

Meter ruler- this will ensure we dropped all the weights from the same height

G clamp- this will clamp to the desk to ensure ...

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