GCSE Chemistry Revision

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Atom and Elements

Everything around us is a material and everything we use is a material. Materials are made up of elements.  An Element is a substance that cannot be split into anything simpler, they are pure substances. All Materials are made up of particles. The particles that make up an element are called atoms. Each element has its own kind of atom, and the atoms in different elements are different. Atoms are the building blocks of materials. In iron are the atoms are the same. This is because iron is an element.

Each element has a symbol of one or two letters. The symbol shows one atom of the element and is used in the periodic table. (See back) In some elements, such as oxygen, the atoms pair up. A particle made up of more than one atom is called a molecule. To show a molecule, we write a small number to show how many atoms there are on the bottom right side of the element’s symbol. This is now a formula.


A material that is made of more than one element joined together is called a compound. In a compound, the atoms are not just mixed, they are chemically bonded together. A compound such as water has particles known as molecules. Elements may join to become compounds and compounds can change to become other compounds. These changes that make new substances are called chemical reactions.

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Word equations:

Hydrogen + oxygen                   water

Reactants        “give off” or “change into”        Product

In water, there are two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom.

Chemical reactions and equations

Sulphur + oxygen         Sulphur dioxide

The reactants are sulphur and oxygen. When you mix them, nothing happens until sulphur is heated. Then the reaction start, producing a blue flame in the gas jar full of oxygen. The product is the compound sulphur dioxide.


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This is a very well explained, but basic set of notes. It contains very simple science and is easy to read. It would be ideal for someone wanting to go over the fundamentals of chemistry, or for someone of low ability. Overall, this piece of work is 4 stars out of 5