Global Warming - Is it man Made?

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Case Study

Global warming

Is it man made ?

Global warming – Is it man made ?:

Chapter 1:        Introduction

Chapter 2:        What is Global warming ?

Chapter 3:        What causes global warming ?

Chapter 4:        The effects of global warming        

Chapter 5:        What protects the global         warming against a drastic         increase ?

Chapter 6:        Is it man made ?

Chapter 7:        What happens if...

Chapter 8:        Conclusion & recommendation

Chapter 9:        Bibliography

Chapter 1 – Introduction

I will discuss in this case study using information and scientific testify about global warming. I will explain, what is global warming? What causes it? And what protects it against a drastic increase? I would like to present both scenarios, in chapter 7 – what happens if ….

I will describe in detail each source.

Professor Nigel Weiss, Emeritus Professor in Mathematical Astrophysics at Cambridge, has affirmed the announcement by scientists that global warming is primarily a man-made problem and has nothing to do with natural changes.

The reason why I choose this topic is simple.

The whole world is worried about climate change. But few are well informed about this topic. These few people know exactly what happened to the world.

I would like to explain what exactly happens to our world.

It is my world. It's your world. It is our world. We all have to do something, to save our earth.

"People need solutions that are realistic and practical at the same time as moving into the direction of radical change."

(Tony Blair to the Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda on 27. June 2008 in Tokyo.)

Chapter 2 – What is Global warming ?

So the key question is 'what is global warming?'. Global warming is what happens when the temperature of the earth increases. This temperature increase is something that happens naturally, although it is also contributed to by human activity. The natural process that leads to global warming is called 'the greenhouse effect' and this is where gases in the atmosphere such as methane and carbon dioxide build up and retain heat from the sun in the atmosphere, therefore increasing the overall temperature of the earth. This process is called the greenhouse effect and is necessary for the survival of all life on our planet. Due to a larger increase of average global temperatures people are pointing at human activity for speeding up this process to a degree that is deemed unsafe, evidence of this is the melting of the polar icecaps and subsequent rises in sea levels. The gases in question are produced naturally but also by humans too, the big question is how much effect the amount that humans create has had already and will have in the future.

Many people think that global warming and the green house effect are the same thing but this is not the case, the green house effect is the process that occurs naturally and this leads to global warming and climate change.

The natural process that leads to global warming sees the sun radiate heat to the earth, some of the heat will make it to the earth and warm it up, some will bounce of the clouds in the atmosphere back into space, a certain amount of heat will be reflected from the earth back up into the atmosphere where it will be retained by the natural gases that we have mentioned, and some will just go back out into space past the atmosphere. This 'greenhouse effect' as it is known, heats the earth enough to cater for the needs of all of life on earth and has done for as long as life has been here. The reason global warming is deemed as such an issue is because the more of the gases that are produced by man the more there will be in the atmosphere and this upsets the natural balance, retains more heat and makes the earth warmer. In a nutshell that is what global warming is.

By the year 2100, (depending on future greenhouse gas emissions and the actual response of the climate system on  it) expect a warming of 1.1 to 6.4°C. However this would habe consequences: increased melting of glaciers, rising sea levels, changes in rainfall, increased extreme weather, etc.

The variety of consequences tgat arise depending on the degree of warming is difficult to estimate exactly.

Chapter 3 – What causes global warming ?

One of the many causes is the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, mainly from our fossil fuel emissions, is the most significant human cause of global warming.

Carbon dioxide comes from: Fossil Fuel, Deforestation, Combustion of fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) for power generation, industry, domestic heating and road traffic and many more.

A other cause of global warming is deforestation.

Living plants store carbon dioxide. If plants die they release carbon dioxide.
When forests are destroyed, then they give this enormous quantities of carbon dioxide released as well.
The largest forests are in Indonesia, the Amazon region and the Democratic Republic of Congo to find.

The world’s rain forests could completely vanish in a hundred years at the current rate of deforestation.

Forests are cut down for many reasons, but the biggest reason is just to make money. The other reasons are to make  wood and paper.

A dramatic impact is that over 70% of Earth's land animals are loosing their home because of the deforestation.

Trees have a very important role in absorbing the greenhouse gases. Fewer forests means larger amounts of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere and a increased speed of global warming.

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There are many other causes. One of them is methane. It's a very powerful green house gas. Methane is lighter than air, colourless and this gas that animals burp; and poop out is odourless.

However meat production, sewage treatment plants and landfills generate additional methane.

Methane is 23 times more effective at trapping heat in the atmosphere than CO2 over a 100-year period.

A huge 30% of methane emissions that are released into the earth's atmosphere come from agriculture. The majority of this comes ...

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