How Does Changing The Force In An Elastic Band Affect The Distance Travelled By A Margarine Tub?

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Stephanie Fletcher

The Problem

How Does Changing The Force In An Elastic Band Affect The Distance                                      Travelled By A Margarine Tub?

Background Knowledge

        When the elastic band is pulled back, the tub is put into place and you let go of the elastic band, the tub will travel a certain distance. The tub will then stop due to energy and forces acting on the tub.

        The tub firstly moves due to energy. The law of energy is that energy can not be made or destroyed, but it can be changed from one form to another or transferred from place to another. When the elastic band is pulled back tension in the band causes potential energy. When you let go, the potential energy is transferred to kinetic energy in the band, so the band moves. As the band moves the tub does. This is because the kinetic energy in the band is transferred to kinetic energy in the tub. The tub will continue to move till forces come into contact with the tub.

        One of the forces that affect the tub from continuously moving is friction. Friction works in opposition with the movement of the object. The surface of the tub is rough and the surface of the table is also rough, so the two surfaces catch and the tub slows down.

        The other force slowing the tub down is air resistance. Air resistance is when the face of the tub collides with the air particles and slows the movement of the tub down.

         A force is a push or a pull and is measured in newtons. The band pushes the tub, therefore it moves. When a force is applied to an object it can change three things about it. It can change the speed of an object, the direction of an object or the shape. In this experiment when force is applied to the tub, the speed will increase, till friction and air resistance is dominant over the force and it stops.

        When the force pushes the tub it accelerates and the tub travels at a steady speed. The greater the force applied to the mass of the tub, the greater the acceleration. This is Newtons 2nd law of motion.


The greater the force applied to the elastic band, the greater the distance the tub travels.

Linking Prediction With Theory

        The tub will travel a further distance, the greater the energy applied to the tub. The more you pull the elastic band back the greater the tension in the band. This means that potential energy in the band will increase, as well as the kinetic energy in it. The kinetic energy in the band then transfers to kinetic energy in the tub resulting to the tub traveling a greater distance. Therefore the more the band is pulled back the greater the energy applied to the tub, and the bigger the distance the tub travels.

        When the elastic band is pulled back with a great amount of force, the tub will travel a greater distance. Newtons 2nd law of motion proves this as he states an object will accelerate when a force is applied to an object. Scientifically this is shown as force = mass x acceleration. So the greater the force applied to the object the greater the acceleration. Therefore the tub will travel a greater distance due to high amounts of force being applied to the tub.

Basic Method

Other equipment used:





newton measurer,



        I am going to place a chair on the floor and attach an elastic band around two of its legs. I will mark out where the legs are on the floor incase the chair moves. I will then measure a force of 2 newtons using the newton measure and mark it on the floor using the chalk. Before I can start my experiment I have to find out how many weights I need to tape into the tub to stop it from flipping over when it is forced forward. I will do this by adding a weight each when I do the experiment. I will mark out 2N, and pull the elastic band back. I will repeat the experiment at 2N again, and continue to add weights till when I let go of the elastic band the tub doesn’t turn over.

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        When I find out the amount of weights I need in order for the tub to not turn over, I can begin my experiment. I will tape in the weights and pull the elastic band back to where I measured 2N. I will put the margarine tub where I pulled the band back and let go of the band. I will then measure where the tub stops. I then record my results and repeat the experiment another two times for more accurate results.  

        I then measure 10 newtons, by pulling the elastic band back using the newton measure and ...

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