How does temperature affect the dissolving rate of a sugar cube?

Authors Avatar by danielaax3 (student)


        The question being tested in our experiment is “How does temeperature affect the dissolving rate of a sugar cube?”  I performed a similar experimentlast year, except in that experiment there were only three temperatures in which the sugar cube was to be put into. There was 10, 50 , and 100 degree water divided into three beakers. I predict that the results to this experiment will be similar to the ones last year. Meaning that the otter the water temperature the faster the sugar cube will disolve or in other words disperse or dissapear. We tested this by filling a beaker with different temeperature's ranging from 0 degrees celecius to 100. We recorded the time range of the dissolving sugar cube. This is how we tested our question. I expected the results that were gotten.

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        Hypothesis: If temperature increases than the dissolving rate of a sugar cube will increase.


-Sugar cubes

-Hot plate


-1,000 mL beaker


-Ice cubes



The first step would be to fill a 1,000 mL beaker with water up to 300mL. The next step would be to bring the water to appropriate temperautre by heating it on a hot plate or adding ice. The next thing to do would be to add the sugar cube to the ...

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