How Does Temperature Affect The Rate of Reaction?

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Steven Livesey GCSE coursework

Sodium Thiosulphate Reacts With Acid

How Does Temperature Affect The Rate of Reaction?

When sodium thiosulphate reacts with hydrochloric acid one of the products is yellow sulphur.

The sulphur forms a precipitate in the solution and makes it go cloudy.

The chemical formula is shown below:

2HCL + Na2 S2o4                                2NaCL + S02  + H2O + S


The aim of this investigation is to find out and observe how temperature affects the rate of reaction. I am going to do this by investigating the changes caused to the solution of hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate. I am going to mix hydrochloric acid with sodium thiosulphate and time how long it takes to react at different temperatures.

Science Knowledge

The rate of reaction is the speed at which a chemical reaction precedes, expressed in terms of the amount of product formed or the amount of unit’s time taken for a certain reaction to occur (usually in seconds). Thus for the reaction of two compounds (in this case X and Y) that form a product (Z) the equation would be:


The rate of reaction varies a lot between different reactions. Some, such as explosions, happen extremely quickly (sometimes too quickly for a human to time it accurately) and others like oxidization take place over a much longer period of time. There are several things that can affect the rate of reaction. These include temperature, concentration, and pressure, adding a catalyst, surface area and light. The variable that I will be investigating and researching is temperature.

At low temperatures the reacting particles have less energy. When particles are heated they gain energy. The gaining of energy enables the particles to move around quicker, this increases their chance of colliding but also, the increase in energy increases the possibility of a collision occurring with sufficient energy. Therefore rate of reaction increases with increasing temperature.

Chemical reactions take place because of (reagent) molecules must collide with each other. When they collide they need to have enough energy to cause a reaction. The amount of energy that is needed to start a reaction is called its energy barrier. There has to be enough energy so that the reaction will take place. Temperature helps to do this because the increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy, which increases the population of particles, which means there is more than enough energy to start the reaction.

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For a chemical reaction to take place, some bonds in the reactants must be broken. The colliding particles must have enough energy to break these bonds. This minimum amount of energy is called the activation energy. Only the very fastest moving particles have enough energy to break bonds.

In gases, liquids and in solution, the particles move at a range of speeds. Some are moving very slowly and others are moving very fast. To react, particles must collide with enough energy and in the correct orientation for bonds to be broken. Below you can see what happens between particles when ...

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