How does the concentration affect the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid

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Science coursework

How does the concentration affect the rate of reaction between sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid?


We are trying to find out how the rate of reaction is affected by the concentration of one of the reactants. We are investigating this with sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid. We will use different strengths of HCI acid and record the results.


  • Collect the apparatus.
  • Make up different concentrations of hydrochloric acid using table 1.
  • Measure 20cm3 of sodium thiosulphate and pour into conical flask
  • Draw “X” on paper and place under conical flask.
  • Carefully pour hydrochloric acid into burette using funnel.
  • Remove funnel.
  • Turn the tap on the burette and start the stop-clock
  • Stop the clock when the “X” is no longer visible.
  • Record the results and repeat x5. Repeat for 0.5m and 1.0m.
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How to make up the different concentrations of hydrochloric acid.


Conical flask

6 beakers

Clamp stand


Stop clocks

Sodium Thiosulphate

Different concentrations of HCI acid.

Table 2

What is a reaction?

A reaction occurs when two reactants successfully react together to form a new product. This is called the collision theory. There is many different ways to measure the rate of reaction.

  • These include: Measuring the amount of gas produced
  • Weighing before and after the experiment
  • Draw an X on a piece of ...

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