How Does The Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulfate Affect The Rate Of This Reaction?

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Candidate Number: 8085                                Rate of reaction coursework

How Does The Concentration Of Sodium Thiosulfate Affect The Rate Of This Reaction?

Student name:                         Banudi Srikanth

Teacher name:                         Mrs Ogunkoya

Class/Set:                         10a2

Candidate number:                        8085


Background Science........................................................................................................................... Page 3,4

What is a preliminary test? ............................................................................................................... Page 5

Preliminary apparatus .................................................................................................................... Page 5,6

The preliminary results table .......................................................................................................... Page 5

Preliminary safety ................................................................................................................................. Page 5

Methodology ............................................................................................................................................ Page 7

How to make it a fair test ............................................................................................................... Page 7,8



The 5 Factors that affect the rate of a chemical reaction:

  • Concentration
  • Temperature
  • Gas pressure
  • Catalyst
  • Surface area of particles (1)

Rates of reaction:

How quickly a reaction happens is called the rate of reaction. Chemical reactions take place when two or more chemicals react with one another by colliding with each other.  The increase in temperature increases the amount of collisions between particles, this fastens the reaction.  If a reaction has a low rate that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Particles need a minimum amount of kinetic movement if they are going to react when they collide. This is known as Activation energy.


The collision theory is the idea that different reactions happen at different rates. Reactions that occur slowly have a lower rate of reaction. Fast reactions are due to an increase of collisions; slow reactions are due to decrease in collisions.  Reactions that happen quickly have a high rate of reaction (e.g. explosions).


The concentration of a solution is how strong the solution is. A stronger acid contains more acid particles and less water particles than a weaker acid. Increasing the concentration of a solution leads to more collisions (greater frequency of collisions) so the rate of the reaction goes up. With a more concentrated acid, the number of acid particles is greater, so the number of collisions is greater and the rate of the reaction is higher (faster.) Changing the concentration of the acid does not change how quickly the particles are moving (i.e. it doesn't increase the amount of energy they have.)


When we increase the temperature at which a reaction is taking place, the particles move more quickly.  At a lower temperature, the number of collisions is lower because the particles are moving more slowly. Also when a collision occurs, there is less chance of a reaction taking place because the movement energy in the particles is less. At a higher temperature, the number of collisions is greater because the particles are moving more quickly. When a collision occurs, there is more chance of a reaction taking place because the movement energy in the particles is greater.

Gas pressure:

Pressure affects the rate of reaction, especially when you look at gases. When you increase the pressure, the molecules have less space in which they can move.

That greater concentration of molecules increases the number of collisions. When you decrease the pressure, molecules don't hit each other as often. The lower pressure decreases the rate of reaction. (2)

Catalyst: Different catalysts speed up different reactions. The table shows some common catalysts:

A catalyst provides a surface on which the reaction can take place. This increases the number of collisions between the particles of the substances that are reacting.

A catalyst lowers the activation energy (the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to take place). This means that the particles can react with less energy than they needed before the catalyst was added. (3)

Surface area of particles:

By increasing the surface area of the reactants, there are a higher number of reaction sites. Reaction sites are specific sites on molecules at which reactions occur. Increasing the number of reaction sites increases the number of total collisions. The greater the frequency of total collisions, the greater the frequency of effective collisions. If the frequency of effective collisions increases, so does the reaction rate.


In this investigation, I am finding out how concentration affects the rate of reaction between Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Thiosulphate. I am going to measure the rate of reaction when hydrochloric acid is added to sodium thiosulfate. When sodium thiosulfate and Hydrochloric Acid are mixed, a yellow precipitate of sulphur is produced. The solution becomes increasingly difficult to see through as more and more sulphur is formed. This is how I plan to measure the rate of reaction. I will place a paper with a black cross underneath the solution and will stop the clock when the cross can no longer be seen. I will find out the answer by doing a preliminary test to experiment this, I will then compare and discuss the results in my evaluation then I will also state how this experiment I done could be improved, in my conclusion. But before doing the real experiment I will carry out a preliminary test.

What is a Preliminary test?

This is a test that is done before the real test. It gives an idea of the real thing; through the test you can make changes to make sure the real one is fair and reliable e.g. changing equipment or concentration of sodium thiosulfate solution. A preliminary test is more of a trial than an experiment – to find out if the equipment/method or even experiment works. A preliminary test is generally a baseline for further testing and development. It helps you refine ideas and change key concepts of the experiment.

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Knowing the information above, I predict that as the concentration of the Sodium Thiosulphate increases, the rate of reaction will also increase. This means that the rate/concentration graph I compile from my experiments results will have a positive correlation.  I believe this will happen because, according to the collision theory, as the concentration of a solution is increased the number of particles inside the solution increases. If the number of particles inside the solution is increased it makes collisions with reacting particles more likely. Also, I believe that the time/concentration graph will have a negative correlation because if my ...

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