How does the drop height of a small and a large marble affect the size of the crater created in sand?

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Physics Coursework

Physics coursework


How does the drop height of a small and a large marble affect the size of the crater created in sand?


  1. Meter ruler
  2. Small 15cm ruler
  3. Clamp stand
  4. 1 small marble and 1 large marble
  5. Bowl
  6. Sand
  7. Clamp
  8. Compass



The method I will use is as follows:

  1. Collect all of the apparatus above and set up the equipment as shown in the diagram.
  2. Hold the small marble at the specific height in which you intend to begin the experiment at, in this case 0.1m.
  3. Drop the ball freely and do not apply any force.
  4. Carefully remove the ball from the crater making sure that the diameter is not affected in any way.
  5. Using a 15cm ruler, measure the diameter of the crater from top to bottom, make sure that you measure from the centre and from one edge to the other.
  6. Tabulate the results.
  7. Make the sand surface even and flat.
  8. Do stages 2-7 three more times from the same height (this will make the results more accurate and thus making them more reliable).
  9. Drop the ball from the ruler, going up 0.1m each time.
  10. Do stages 2-9 with a larger marble.
  11. Calculate the averages of the small and large marble crater when dropped from each height

Fair Test:

To keep my experiment fair I will have to take certain measures to do that, the measures are:

  1. Dropping the from the same height as each other, e.g. if the small marble is dropped from 0.4m then the large marble will also have to be dropped from 0.4m and not any where else.
  2. The sand surface must be even and flat, so that when the marble lands it is allowed to create a crater freely.
  3. Use the same marble each time (use the same small marble and use the same large marble).


Although this experiment might seem to harmless there a lot of hazards when doing this experiment:

  1. Wear goggles, so the sand does not damage the eyeball in any way.
  2. Do not play with the marble, as the can bounce and hit someone and could be potentially dangerous.
  3. Do no breath the sand in, as it can be sharp and the stomach cannot digest sand properly.
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  • Height


  • Diameter of the crater


  • The size of the marble
  • Gravity
  • Flatness of the sand

Scientific Knowledge:

As the size and speed determine the size of the crater created by the impact of the marbles then the following formula must apply to determine the size of the crater:

PE=m x g x h                        m=Mass        g=9.8(gravity)                h=Height

Energy is lost through heat being transferred from the speed or velocity due to air resistance so to find out the PE at the point of impact we will have to find out the Kinetic energy:

KE=1/2 x ...

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