How higher or lower concentration and temperature affects rates of reactions

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How higher or lower concentration and temperature affects rates of reactions

Parasto Aghazadeh

Parisa Aghazadeh

Ahmed Laajam

Mohit Parkash

Chemistry A





The aim of this lab is to investigate the rate on the reaction between sodium thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid, when the values of concentration and the temperature is either decreased or increased of the Hydrochloric Acid.


The definition of a reaction is when two or more reactants connect to form a new precipitate. The rate means how low/fast something takes place and it is the measurement of time and change that happens in a component. The rate can be used in any suitable measurements such as seconds, minutes and even hours. For these reasons the rate of a reaction means how fast/low it takes for the reactants to form a new precipitate.      

Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate are both clear and colorless liquids, but in the reaction between them a precipitate of yellow and cloudy sulphur forms to measure the rate of the reaction. The aim is to time how long it takes for the reaction to form the actual precipitate. The faster the reaction appears, the faster the mixture gets cloudy.

Hydrochloric acid is a solution in water containing hydrogen chloride (HCL). The solution is very corrosive and it is found naturally in gastric acid, which is a digestive liquid produced in the stomach.

Sodium thiosulphate is a crystalline compound, which is colorless. It is produced from the waste product out of the liquid sodium sulfide, in industrial level. It has the shape of a tetrahedral form and it is the result of the replacement of an oxygen atom by a sulphur atom.  

The collision theory is when a chemical reaction occurs once different amounts of particles hit each other (collide). The faster the particles are moving the higher energy they contain and therefore are more capable to react when they collide. The collisions are caused by motion, kinetic energy. For a reaction to occur there has to be sufficient amount of energy, the minimum quantity of energy needed to produce a reaction is called the activation energy, so therefore there has to be enough energy in a collision for a reaction to occur and to create the transfer of electrons into different molecules.   

One way of getting particles to move faster is to increase the concentration and temperature. The rate of the reaction speeds up when you increase the both factors and that’s because it leads to more successful collision, it gives you a greater frequency of collisions. The rate of the reaction slows down when you decrease the concentration and temperature and it is because the numbers of collisions are low.

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Concentration                               Temperature


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The equation of the whole reaction: 

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric AcidSodium Chloride + Sulphur + Sulphur Dioxide + Water

Na2S2O3(aq)+2HCL(aq) 2NaCl(aq)+S(s)+SO2(g)+H2O(g)


We assume that, by increasing the concentration of the substance, increases the rate of reaction because the higher the concentration is of the reactant, there is a greater chance of collisions to occur. In some cases, increasing the concentration of one of the reactants may have slight effect on the rate, but if you double the concentration of one of the reactants, it will double the rate of the reaction, meaning that they’re in proportion to ...

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