How much does osmosis occur when a potato slice is place in a test tube with a sugar and water solution?

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Biology investigation

How much does osmosis occur when a potato slice is place in a test tube with a sugar and water solution?


Osmosis is basically diffusion but it is a special kind. This occurs when a membrane has tiny holes in it that lets water molecules pass through but stops larger molecules like sugar. This sort of membrane is called a semi-permeable.

Osmosis in a potato

When osmosis occurs in the potato the water should move from one side to another (form inside the potato slice to the solution outside or the other way round) moving through the semi-permeable membrane coating the potato cells.


I am trying to find the extent of osmosis when a potato is put into a sugar solution and if the amount of osmosis occurring changes if the solution has a high or low concentration of sugar.


Inside the potato is water and sugar molecules when we drop a slice of potato into the test tube with the sugar and water solution we will try to see if osmosis occurs. If it has occurred there will be more or less water outside the potato.

If the potato has a low concentration solution, inside than outside, when it is dropped into the solution, osmosis will occur, and the water will move out of the potato and into the solution, balancing the concentrations. This will cause the potato to loose weight, as it has lost some of its water content. But if the weaker solution is on the outside of the potato water it will move into the potato balancing the concentrations and making the potato heavier.
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However if the concentrations on both sides are equal the same amount of molecules will be moving in both directions causing equilibrium.

Fair Test

In order to keep this experiment as fair as possible we will keep a number of factors the same:

) The weight and size of the potato discs Diameter =7mm

Height =10mm

Weight =0.50g

2) The volume of the different concentrations Volume =20cm²

3) The time allowed for osmosis to occur Time =3days

4) The amount of potato discs in one tube Amount =3discs ...

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