How the length of constantan wire affects the ressistance in a electrical circuit

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Athaur Rahman                       The relation between length of wire and resistance


Aim –

The aim of this investigation is to find how the length of constantan wire affects the resistance in an electrical circuit

Introduction –

Resistance is a measurment of current in which a object has difficulty going thorugh, the unit it is measured in is ohms. The job of the resistance is to make it hard for the electros to move. The resistance of an object is comfirmed by the potential diffrence across the object. In metals atoms are found in the outer shell of the electrons the electrons are known as delocalised electrons. These electrons are free to manouver creating the metal to be a conductor, but when a potential difference (voltage) is applied it ables the electrons move. The larger the cross section of the object the more the electrons, thus the increase rate of current, so there will be a low amount of resistance. The longer the conductor the harder it is for the electrons to move due to more distance to cover, so the higher the resistance. But different materials have different affects to resistance, so therefore the material has a big affect.

The length of wire can affect resistance because if the wire is long the electrons in the conductor have to travel more distance and more frequent collisions will happen. Therefore the resistance is directly proportional to the length. So if you increase the length the resistance to will increase. If the wire is short there is less distance for the electrons to travel thus there will be a low resistance.

Width of wire can have dramatic affect towards resistance, which is because the width is inversely proportional to resistance; therefore if you increase the width the resistance will decrease. Because there will be more space for the electrons to move around this should therefore decrease the amount of collisions. But if the wire is thin the opposite reaction will happen, less space the increase rate of resistance.

Temperature has a big impact upon resistance whether the wire is hot or cold; if the wire is cold the atoms in the wire move around slowly, it also means the wire will have a low resistance. However if the wire gradually get hot this increases the movement inside the wire, causing more collision and it is likely the conductor will have a high resistance.  

Lastly different materials can also have numerous affects to the resistance, some wires are good conductors some are bad conductors. Different materials have different amount of electrons in the outer shells this will affect the wire because it the electrons are free to move around the resistance will be low. But if the electrons are jam packed the resistance will be high.  

I have analysed that there are four factors which can affect resistance length, width, temperature and material of the conductor have difftent affects towards resistance. In the experiment I will be test out the relation between the length of constantan wire and how it affects resistance.

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Ohms law is relevant to resistance as it states that a current going thorugh a conductor (wire) at a constant temperature is proportional to the the potential diffrence (voltage). Therfore if you take that into account it means that the resistance of a conductor is constant if the the temperature reamains also constant. If the resistance of a conductor such as a wire increases the temperature also increases. This is due to high temperature making the particles of the conductor move around more quickly increasig the chance of a collison. This is known as the collision theory, particles spread ...

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