6 million years ago our earliest primate relatives walked upright to adapt to its fast changing habitat. Moreover, evolutionary changes to the body such as the thigh bone transformed our early human ancestors. None of our primate cousins can walk on two feet because their thigh bones are not developed like as our ancestors stood, it separated our direct ancestors from our cousin’s primates. It began with our oldest direct hominine ancestor Orrorin tugensensis; the first bipedal hominine. Walking upright gave our ancestors more time for other uses with their hands. Bipedalism let early humans have more use with their hand and help our ancestors create tools. Evolution shows that as early humans became more bipedal they became craftier with their hands. Over the time of evolution our human ancestors advanced and could run on two feet faster, thus they lost their old climbing way of life. If one goes back two hundred generations in our family tree our oldest and closest direct relative would be an Australopithecus apheresis. Australopithecus apheresis separated humans directly from other primates because they walked upright. There is a huge evolutionary connection between brain size and bipedalism, Australopithecus and our other ancestors brain size was increased because of a change in their diets. Before, our relatives were strict herbivores until they became bipedal and ate meat because it was more available. Which meant that our early ancestors had to run to catch there food, thus increased their brain size because their brains were used eating vegetables.
Natural selection has played an important role human evolution. Mutations and natural selections such as change in pigmentation and bacteria inside our body have to help us survive. Random mutations occur in our DNA that can befit, harm or do nothing. Natural selection happens in evolution to help our ancestors to adapt their surroundings. For instance, humans lost their body hair to free themselves of external parasites that infest fur. Over the time of evolution our ancestor’s body lost what it didn’t need and kept what it need. As our ancestors started to move bipedal their body naturally selected to devolve there opposable toe. This was an advantage because our ancestors could run faster and have better alignment with their skeleton. Other natural selection happened over the time of evolution that devolved body’s and evolved bodies.
The discovery of controlling of fire was the rising point of human evolution and culture, fires helped humans cook food and gives them comfort. According to James, Steven a Professional form the university of Chicago, the first clam for the earliest evidence of a controlled fire was by a member of a homo that dates back from 1.7 million years ago. There is justified evidence that early humans behaviour and diet changed when they learned to control fire. The discovery of fire by early human let them say active in night-time hours. A professor from Harvard university claims as early human used fire for cooking food it also expanded and developed their brains because they were allowing more complex carbohydrates in to their bodies. Eating cooked food let our ancestors have more time for them because they were no longer trying to chew on a hard plant allay trying to gain calories from it. When our ancestor’s starts to cook their food their teeth, jaws, digestive traps and sexual consistency’s started to shrink, all of these changes stated happening about 1.8 million years ago, additionally this is more evident on the Homo erectus. As food became less of a concern to early human, weapons became more sophisticated. When early humans starts using tool evolution helped advance the development and size of their brains. Evolution gave our ancestors an advantage over chimpanzee, muscles that that chimpanzees lack. Humans have thicker fingers with wider heads, making it easier for humans to hold on to objects and throw them more accurately compared to chimpanzee’s hands. Although, hominid the australopithecine had small sized brains compared to the chimpanzee, they tried very often to cut through tough animal skin to take the meat of the bones, but this makes sense because the australopithecine was still a tree climbing animal. The great advance in stone tools happened around the time of the Homo erectus. The Homo erectus was the first of our ancestors to carry tools around, instead of dropping them after using them, like the australopithecines. Plus, the Homo erectus brain had grown over the time of evolution to three times the size on contrast to the australopithecines. As tools use evolved, communication and language was generated. As our ancestors more and more tools, their hands were occupied while they were hunting and couldn’t use gesture so they evolved communication. In order for the early humans to survive, they need to co-operate. For instance, the group was sleeping and on human was chosen to stay awake and wants to wake the group up because a woolly mammoth was rear the group, that individual would need to explain what he wants the group to comprehend.
The theory of Evolution is a justified and straightforward; it has been extensively studied and supported by all modern science. Creationism in my opinion on the other hand is completely a bunch of lies, faith does not give you answers, and it only asks you to stop asking question. There is no possible way to test creationism, there for believers accept it as the truth. DNA proves that all cells on earth are someway genetically related, for instance humans are 99.8 the same genetic code as chimpanzees. Evolution happened over millions and millions of year. Creationism states that someone was told to searching out our planet for 8.7 million place them aboard to Noah’s ark. In my opinion I believe evolution didn’t over night or the human race was created in one day by a supernatural being because it has been proving with our technology and our discovery’s of fossil records that evolution happen because of natural selections. Creationism is for people that don’t care about anthropology, sociology and phycology. People that believe in evolution usually are people that don’t want go to church and believe in god. Religion celebrates death while evolution celebrates life.