I am going to investigate the light to find the effects of light intensity in the rate of the photosynthesis.

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I am going to investigate the light to find the effects of light intensity in the rate of the photosynthesis.


Light is one of the most important substance o photosynthesis. Photosynthesis increases depend on the intensity of light. We can recognise whether bubbles occur photosynthesis. Hence, I predict that as the light intensity is increases, the number of bubbles is going to increase.


) One 1 litre of beaker
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2) 800 ml of water

3) 5cm of one pondweed

4) One box to cover the beaker

5) One 100W lamp

6) One metre rule

7) One clip

8) One clock

9) One counter to measure the number of bubbles


) Put 800ml of water in the 1 litre of beaker.

2) Put 5cm of pondweed in the water.

3) Stick the clip to the side of the pondweed

4) Put a lamp 1m from the beaker.

5) Put a metre rule for measure ...

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