- Helps couple to give birth to a child naturally.
- The success rate for IVF is as high as 40% for women under aged 30.
- IVF can be performed even if a woman does not have fallopian tubes or even if woman's fallopian tubes are blocked and cannot be repaired.
- The rate of failure is about 32%, similar to that of the general population.
- The risk of abnormal pregnancy is about 5%, four times greater than in the general population.
- The chances of carrying twins is about 25% and 5% for triplets or more, increasing the risk of complications related to multiple pregnancies
- Dark colored urine
I think IVF treatment is an excellent procedure for couples who are not able to have a baby naturally. Every couple has rights to have a child with any processes, but I don’t agree with this treatment, because IVF means creation of a life in a laboratory, and looking in a religious view it’s a wrong process.
Certain ethical issues have been raised from the beginning when IVF was introduced. These concerns include bypassing the natural method of conception, challenging the creation of life in the laboratory, fertilization of more embryos than will be needed, discarding of excess embryos, unnatural environment for embryos, use of untested technology, not affordable for many, misallocation of medical resources, creation of embryos, then freezing them, and keeping them "in limbo", exposure of embryos to unnatural substances, destruction of embryos in research, potential to create embryos for medical purposes, potential to select embryos (PGD), Potential to modify embryos, facilitation of the idea that embryos are commodities, financial rewards for IVF doctors dissuade them from recommending other methods to couples, Infertility is treated as a disease and not as a symptom of underlying medical problems. The Roman Catholic Church is opposed to in vitro fertilization in all instances and advocates that infertility is a call from God to adopt children. It "infringe[s] the child's right to be born of a father and mother known to him and bound to each other by marriage”. Also, embryos are discarded in the process, causing them to die. Catholics and many people of other faiths see embryos as human lives with the same rights as all others and, therefore, view this procedure as always unacceptable. I agree with the Roman Catholics, if you cant get a child, you can still adopt a child that has no where to go to, no one to call their own instead of adopting a child.
Selective breeding
Selective breeding in domesticated animals is the process of developing a cultivated breed over time.
In general, the owners of the animals use three strategies to refine local populations: line breeding (one bloodline, or strain) or inbreeding (mating closely related individuals), to facilitate the weeding-out of undesired characteristics and the fixation of desired traits. Inbreeding and line breeding are controversial aspects of artificial selection, but have been practiced for centuries.
- You can make pure breeds of animal again, as they are not commonly come across by now days
- Guarantees good quality meat and milk from one cow.
- Helps hens to lay more eggs when selectively bred
- Genetic deformities ( means the animal you selectively breaded might be affected with any diseases)
- Chicken are bred to grow their muscle faster, but their other parts like legs are not being bred which unable them to walk at all.
I think selective breeding is a good step taken by many scientist and it helps farmers to get much in profit, because it can get the characteristics they want e.g. they can develop the cow with good meat and produces good milk. Therefore, they get two good things in one character