Investigate factors that effect decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

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AIM-To Investigate factors that effect decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.

The rate of a reaction is the speed at which a reaction takes place. If a reaction has a low rate that means the molecules combine at a slower speed than a reaction with a high rate. Some reactions take hundreds, maybe even thousands of years while other can happen in less than one second. The rate of reaction depends on the type of molecules which are combining.

HYDROGEN PEROXIDE: hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound which is written like this H2O2, and was discovered 1818, it is a colourless, liquid that is a strong oxidizing agent. When hydrogen peroxide is placed in a water solution, it becomes a weak acid. Hydrogen peroxide can decompose to leave you with water and oxygen, this decomposition takes place when hydrogen peroxide is heated above 80°C, another way that it decomposes is in the company of catalysts, such as acids, organic materials or acids.

Hydrogen peroxide has many uses in the world today. It is used in households in a water solution, as a mild bleaching agent. It is also used for medical reasons, as used as an antiseptic. Hydrogen peroxide is available for commercial use in several concentrations. During world war II, the military used highly concentrated amounts of hydrogen peroxide in fuels for things like torpedoes. Low concentrations of hydrogen peroxide is used as a bleaching agent for materials such as silk and wool. It is also used in chemical manufacture. Hydrogen peroxide is prepared commercially by oxidation of alkylhydroanthraquinones and by electrolysis of ammonium bisulphate.

Collision theory

The Collision theory is the theory behind how chemical reactions occur and why rates of reactions differ.

Reactions can only happen when reactant particles collide, but most collisions are not successful in forming the product molecules. The high kinetic energy collisions between particles that produce the products are called fruitful collisions, therefore If any collision causes a chemical change it is referred to as a fruitful collision.

 Therefore the reactant particles must collide with enough energy to break the original bonds so that the new bonds in the product can be formed. Increasing the concentration of the reactants and raising the temperature bring about more collisions and therefore more successful collisions, increasing the rate of reaction.

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CATALYSTS: A catalyst is a substance which increases the speed of a reaction, without actually being changed or used in the reaction. Catalysts make reactions easier to happen by lowering the activation energy, so low temperatures can be used.  Different reactions use different catalysts. One type of catalyst which is found in living cells, is called enzymes also known as biological catalysts. Biological catalysts are used in our bodies to help big reactions take place, such as digestion of our food. Catalysts are used in the industry immensely, as they save time and money, y speeding up reactions that could ...

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