Investigate the effect of changing light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

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My aim is to investigate the effect of changing light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.    


This is an investigation into how the amount of light provided to a plant can affect the rate of photosynthesis in a plant when it has a constant supply of reactants.

The reactants in this experiment are H2O(water), CO2(carbon dioxide) and light. The products are glucose and oxygen.

The glucose is stored in the plant as starch and also used for respiration and growth of the plant. The oxygen is given off into the surroundings, this is what we will be measuring.

The word equation for this process is:


6CO2  + 6H2O-----C6H12O6 + 6O2

There are several factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis-

Temperature- the warmer the surroundings the higher the rate of photosynthesis. This is because this is an enzyme based process. This will happen only if the plant is given an adequate supply of water and carbon dioxide.

But if the temperature becomes to high the structure of the cells unravels and they become denatured.

Carbon Dioxide Concentration-The higher the concentration of carbon dioxide the higher the rate of photosynthesis. There is an upper limit but too much carbon dioxide will have no damaging effects on the plant itself.

Water- The amount of water must not be too high because this can cause the plant to become waterlogged. This stops active transport and the plant cannot get oxygen from the soil.In my investigation this will not affect my results as Elodea is a water based plant.

 We can put the results of this investigation into practise by using them in ,for example a commercial greenhouse. If we know the optimum amount of light needed for plants to photosynthesise ,they will grow at the fastest rate possible whilst not damaging the plant.

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 The factor my investigation is based on is light intensity.


 I predict that as the light intensity increases the rate of photosynthesis will increase up to a limit. This is because plants need a certain amount of light to photosynthesise and enzymes work best at higher temperatures but too much light can photo-oxidise the photosynthesis cells.


In my experiment I will be measuring the effect of moving a lamp closet to a 13cm piece of Elodea, hence increasing the light intensity, and the rate of photosynthesis. I will the measure the rate of oxygen ...

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