Investigate the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea under different circumstances using pH as the measurement.

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AIM: To investigate the rate of photosynthesis in Elodea under different circumstances using pH as the measurement.


The process in green plants and algae that allows them to produce their own food sources and continually regenerate oxygen in the environment is called photosynthesis. This process, undertaken by green plants, nourishes almost the entire living world either directly or indirectly, as the path of the food chain is traced from plants up through animals. Photosynthesis comes from two words, photo meaning ''light'' and synthesis meaning "to make".

Photosynthesis occurs to furnish life, directly or indirectly, with chemical energy in organisms. Plants use photosynthesis as a means of obtaining energy from sunlight, converting it and store it as chemical energy – ‘packets’ called ATP.  These energy packets are, in turn, used with carbon dioxide to build a variety of chemicals in the plant, including carbohydrates, fats and proteins - the common compounds we call food. When animals eat plants as food, they break down, or metabolise food compounds to small molecules.  Some of these molecules are used to build more complex structures, such as bones and muscles in every part of our bodies. In essence, photosynthesis provides food for most forms of life on Earth, including humans.

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The photosynthesis reaction begins with carbon dioxide taken from the air and water absorbed from the soil. Within the plant, special structures called chloroplasts contain sunlight-absorbing pigments, known as chlorophyll. The energy converted by these pigments from the sunlight powers the conversion of air and water to oxygen, which is released to the environment, and to a sugar called glucose, which is an excellent storage molecule for energy. Glucose can later be stored in the form of starch or transformed into ATP, which is used as the ‘fuel’ of all living things.

The chemical equation for photosynthesis is:

Carbon Dioxide ...

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