Investigate the water potential of a potato tuber.

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Nisha Patel


Ms. Desai

My aim in this investigation is investigate the water potential of a potato tuber. This investigation needs a lot of planning and prediction with the use of scientific knowledge involving preliminary experiments, which will guide me for the main experiment to be successful and for it to produce concise and accurate results to prove the hypothesis, explained in the prediction.

The main theory used in this experiment is the theory of osmosis, which is the passage of water from a region of high water concentration through a semi-permeable membrane to a region of low water concentration ( Osmosis controls the exchange of molecules through the semi permeable membrane. It allows small molecules like oxygen, water, carbon dioxide, ammonia, glucose, amino acids, etc. to pass through. Cell membranes will not allow larger molecules like sucrose, starch, protein, etc. to pass through. If the solution surrounding the cell has a higher water concentration than the cell (a very dilute solution) the cell will gain water by osmosis and vice versa. A key feature of osmosis is that only water molecules move across the membrane to bring the two solutions to and equilibrium. This equilibrium is reached when the water potential in one region is the same as the other region.

Water potential is the chemical potential (i.e. free energy per mole) of water in plants. Water moves within plants from regions of high water potential to regions of lower water potential, in other word down a water potential gradient. It is this tendency to move which is called water potential (Cambridge Advanced Sciences Biology 1, Mary Jones et al, 2000). It is affected by two factors, which are solute potential (Ψs) and pressure potential (Ψp).

The solute potential is a measure of the number of dissolved particles in water, for example the amount of dissolved sugar or salt. In pure water the solute potential is zero because there are no solute molecules at all. This is the highest it can be because the more solute, the more negative (lower) the water potential becomes therefore it is always negative.  In the diagram in the previous page (fig. 1) you can see two solutions separated by a semi permeable membrane. The solutes are too large to pass through the pores so the water molecules pass through because they are small enough. This leads to net movement from A to B, raising the level of solution in B, so it has reached equilibrium.

Pressure potential is significant in plant cells, because they are surrounded by a cell wall, which are strong and rigid and are kept turgid due to pressure potential. It prevents the cell from bursting when the cell is surrounded by a solution of higher water potential. So when the plant is fully inflated it is said to be turgid. For plant cells water is a combination of pressure and solute potential. This can be shown as:

Plant cells always have a strong cell wall surrounding them. When the take up water by osmosis they start to swell, but the cell wall prevents them from bursting. Plant cells become "turgid" when they are put in dilute solutions. Turgid means swollen and hard. The pressure inside the cell rises; eventually the internal pressure of the cell is so high that no more water can enter the cell. This liquid or hydrostatic pressure works against osmosis. When plant cells are placed in concentrated sugar solutions they lose water by osmosis and they become "flaccid"; this is the exact opposite of "turgid". If you put plant cells into concentrated sugar solutions and look at them under a microscope you would see that the contents of the cells have shrunk and pulled away from the cell wall: they are said to be plasmolysed. When plant cells are placed in a solution, which has exactly the same osmotic strength as the cells they are in a state between turgidity and flaccidity. We call this incipient plasmolysis. This is when they are 50% plasmolysed. When the water potential of the cells is the same as the water potential outside, there is no net movement of water in or out of the cells, so the pressure potential is zero.

        Based on this scientific knowledge I would make a hypothesis of the experiment, which should follow these theories of water potential. I will do this in my prediction.

I predict that as the concentration of sucrose is increased the potato core will decrease in size. This is because in osmosis the diffusion of water travels from the dilute solution to the more concentrated solution. Therefore the potato will slowly lose its water to the liquid surrounding it, which slowly becomes the more concentrated solution with the increase of sucrose concentration regularly. So knowing that water moves from higher water potential to lower water potential the water potential would have a higher water potential in the cell than if placed in a solution of lower water potential such as 1M the water would move out of the cell and into the solution for it to reach equilibrium. There will be a certain concentrated solution where incipient plasmolysis may occur because the concentration of water in the solution will be equal to the concentration of water in the cell so there will be no net movement of the water. From my preliminary experiment I predict this concentration to be in between the range of 0.3M - 0.4M because this is where the cells are about 50% plasmolysed. This means that half of the cells were plasmolysed so the pressure and solute potential was both equal, this happens at incipient plasmolysis.

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        To explain this theory I will show how a cells activity would change when put in a high concentration of sucrose solution and then in a low concentration of sucrose solution using the theory of osmosis and water potential.

       Based on the background information that I have provided above, I can predict that when the potato tuber cells will be placed in a solution that has a higher water potential than that of the cell; water will move in the cell via osmosis down its concentration gradient across the partially permeable membrane. The plant cell itself has ...

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