Investigate which surface of a leaf loses more water by transpiration.

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An investigation into which surface of a leaf transpires more by transpiration.

Brief statement of investigation

I am going to investigate which surface of a leaf loses more water by transpiration. I will do this by covering certain sides in a layer of Vaseline. The Vaseline will prevent transpiration occurring on that particular side allowing me to see which side transpires more.

Risk assessment

The number of risks in this assessment is minimal but the following risks will be present:

  • Any leaves must not be consumed
  • Extreme care must be taken when handling glass Vaseline pots
  • Paper clips must be handled with care and must not be uncoiled
  • All personal property should be tucked away while the experiment is being carried out

Independent variable

The surface(s) covered by Vaseline i.e. topside or underside.

Dependent variable

The amount of transpiration that occurs from a particular surface and therefore the amount of weight lost due to transpiration from one particular surface.

Number and range of readings

I will be making one reading for each leaf after about 20 hours.



I predict that the underside of the leaf will transpire more. I also predict that the amount of transpiration that occurs from the two leaves with one surface vaselined will be roughly the same as the amount that occurs from the leaf with neither of its side’s vaselined.

Scientific reason for prediction

The reason for my first prediction is that the underside is covered in stomata pores, making it possible for water to leave the leaf when the pores are open. On the topside however, there are no pores, just a waxy layer instead. This means that almost no water can leave the leaf via this particular surface. The process of evaporation through the stomata means that the plant can easily control the amount of water that it releases into the environment. The reason for my second prediction; that the percentage weight loss from leaves 1 & 2 will add up to that of 4, is because leaf 1 has its topside vaselined, preventing transpiration from that surface and leaf 2 has its underside vaselined preventing transpiration from this surface, whereas leaf four has none of its surfaces vaselined so in theory they should add up.

Transpiration only occurs when the cells in the leaf are turgid causing the pores to open up, but certain factors affect the rate at which transpiration occurs. One of these factors is sunlight. Therefore, if leaves had their stomata on the topside, the sunlight would speed up the rate of transpiration, disrupting the plants control. This could be a reason why the plant has the stomata on the shady underside of the leaf, and therefore, a reason why more transpiration occurs from the underside of the leaf.

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List of equipment

4 similarly sized dogwood leaves

4 paperclips

Line (to hang leaves on)

Tub of petroleum jelly

Weighing scales (accurate to 0.01 of a gram)

A2 sheet of paper

Fair test

To ensure that my investigation is a fair test, I will:

  • Put all four leaves in a place where temperature, humidity, air current and amount of sunlight are all exactly the same.
  • Weigh each leaf before and after vaselining to obtain ...

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*** A sound summary of the investigation but results are not reliable and it lacks a detailed discussion of factors affecting the rate of transpiration. This gives the impression the author is not completely familiar with relevant concepts.