Investigating a factor which can affect the period of a pendulum.

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Investigating a factor which can affect the period of a pendulum



I am going to investigate the relationship between the length of a pendulum and the time for one oscillation to occur.

Factors which affect the period of a pendulum:

-length of a pendulum

-angle of altitude of a pendulum

-weight of bob of a pendulum

-gravitational field strength surrounding pendulum

The type of pendulum that is going to be used in this experiment is a simple pendulum which consists of a small mass (bob) suspended by light, inextensible thread of length (l) from a fixed point.

If the bob is drawn aside and released, it will oscillate to and fro in a vertical plane along the arc of a circle.


What will be altered or kept the same during the experiment.

Variables table:

Dependent variable


How value will be measured


time for 10 oscillations ÷ 10

digital stop clock

3 repeats for each length

Independent variable


0.1 to 0.8 metres with 10cm intervals

meter ruler

Controlled variables

Size of swing



Mass of bob


5 x 100g weights




I predict that the length of the pendulum will have an effect on the period . The longer the length of the pendulum, the longer the period.

This is because, based on a theory I found in an A Level text book, the pendulum is able to work when its bob is suspended at a higher angle than the one it is when at rest, vertically suspended. When the bob is above the point of natural suspension, it is going against the natural gravitation force and thus, gains Gravitation Potential Energy. When the bob is drawn and released at whatever angle, the gravitational force acts upon it by moving the pendulum down, towards the point where it is vertically suspended at rest. From this, we can say that as the pendulum is released, its Gravitational Potential Energy is converted to Kinetic energy in order for the pendulum to move. When the bob returns to its point of natural suspension, all Gravitational Potential Energy has been converted to Kinetic energy, making the bob move past the point of natural suspension and continuing to move to a height equidistant from the angle it was drawn to and released.

The same theory applies to the pendulum on its reverse swing. Gravitation Potential Energy is gained after reaching the opposite highest angle of the swing, which is converted back into kinetic energy in order for it to return to its point of natural suspension. Because of this continuous cycle, the pendulum creates a circle like (arc) shaped oscillation. The pendulum's energy is never lost, it just changes from one type of energy to another. Therefore, the movement of a pendulum is constantly repeated until it is caused to stop by an external force.
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From where I found this explanation , I also found a mathematical equation relating the length of a pendulum to the time taken for an oscillation, stating that:

T=2? V l

g T= Period/time taken for 1 oscillation

l= Length of thread of pendulum

g= Gravitational field strength= 9.8N/kg

This formula can be simplified by squaring both sides to give:

T²= 4?² l


As 4, ?, and g are all constants, l is the only variable that is changed and so, T is affected by l being altered. ...

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This is a good attempt at a report that shows promise: 1. The structure is adequate but could be improved by including the correct information under the right subheadings. 2. The background section is well researched and the calculations relevant. 3. The report is missing the data and graph. 4. The conclusion is very brief and does not use any data to back up the claim. 5. The evaluation is the strongest section and includes a good level of detail and shows good understanding of scientific processes. 6. Do not use running commentary paragraphs. Use the structure of the report to lead the reader through. *** (3 stars)