Investigating Osmosis in a potato

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Investigating Osmosis in a   potato

Typical plant cell

Plants use osmosis to move water in and out of its cells, osmosis is a special type of diffusion. Osmosis happens when there is an in balance in the water potential inside the cell and it’s surrounding, the water moves from a high water potential to a low water potential osmosis is a type of diffusion but only happens with a semi permeable membrane  

several factors could affect the rate of osmosis these are

  • Temperature- molecules would have more kinetic energy so increases rate of osmosis
  • The concentration of water- different concentrations have different mass changes
  • The type of potato- different types of potatoes have different molarities in the cells
  • Size of potato chip- larger surface area means more osmosis because more places for water to pass
  • The volume of solution different volumes would have more molecules in so rate would increase
  • If there was skin on the potato- skin would prevent osmosis from occurring at that part of potato
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I am going to investigate the relationship between Osmosis and concentration of sucrose solution.

In this experiment I will test if the concentration of the solution could affect osmosis because a lower molar concentration would cause the cell to increase in mass whereas a higher molar concentration solution would cause the cell to lose mass. I have chosen to use distilled water, .2Moles, .4Moles .6Moles, .8Moles and 1Moles because it gives a wide range and can be easily repeated, Molars(M) is the ratio of sugar compared to the water the higher the number the higher the concentration ...

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