investigating resistance of a wire

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Resistance can be defined as ‘the power of resisting and the ability to resist adverse conditions.’ In scientific terms it is the force which works against the flow of an electric current around a circuit. Resistance takes place when electrons travelling around the wire have a collision with atoms in the wire. When these collisions take place the flow of electrons is slowed down, thus causing resistance.

My aim

My aim is to investigate how the length, thickness and type of wire I use will affect the resistance.

I chose to do these three things as there are four basic factors which will affect the resistance of a wire. These are;

  1. The length of the wire
  2. The thickness of the wire
  3. The type of metal the wire is made from.
  4. The temperature of the wire

I considered all these key factors and I decided to investigate all except the last one. This is because without the correct equipment it will be extremely hard to measure and keep the temperature at the right level.

My preliminary investigation

I decided to carry out a preliminary investigation before my main research for a number of reasons. Firstly to find out what data range of lengths of wires I should use to make sure my experiment is as good as possible, but also to familiarise myself with what I am doing, and to ensure any problems I may come across in the main experiment can be smoothed out before hand.

First I set up my experiment as shown in my main method. Then I began to measure the resistance with short lengths of wires starting at only 10cm long. I discovered this was causing the wires to heat up quite a lot, and I did not want to risk the wires overheated because as I mentioned in my aim a key factor that affects resistance is the temperature of wires so making them too hot would mean my main tests would not be fair.

From this test I have decided to make the lengths of the data range from 40cm-90cm taking a measurement every 5cm as 40cm was the first number that was a multiple of five which did not cause the wire to noticeably heat up.

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I predict that as the length of the wire increases so will the resistance. I think this will be quantitative and as the length of the wire doubles so will the resistance as there will be twice as many collisions and therefore twice as much resistance. I expect this to work the other way too. If there is half the length of the wire there will be only half the amount of resistance as there will be much less electrons and atoms ...

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