Investigating the amazingness of theBouncing Ball!

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Physics A2 Coursework

Investigating the amazingness of the

Bouncing Ball!

In this investigation I will lead you through my experiments and findings on the decaying bounce of balls. From this investigation I want to have worked out the effect of temperature change on the decaying bounce of a ball. However, at first I will have to choose suitable variables for this experiment.

First of all I had to distinguish a method for measuring the heights reached by the bouncing ball. My initial idea was to have a white ball bounce against the backing of a grided black board, so as the ball bounced I’d mark out where the ball bounces. Using a light gate the second time, I’d make sure that the ball did indeed reach that point. However, the ball wouldn’t bounce to the exact same height every time, as the ball may bounce sideways and so the height reached would change. Where I mark out the height depends on my eye level and how quick I am to mark out this height may be delayed by i.e./ how tired I am at the time. This method is very prone to error.

Another method that may have worked would

 be to have metal claws, interlocking however

not making contact ie. like a grid, but with a

charge running through them. A metal or a

 ball wrapped with tin foil or just a thin layer

of metal on the outside of a ball would be bounced

onto this grid. Each time the metal plated ball

bounces onto this metal grid a voltage is induced

which will be found out by a galvanometer. This method would be good in not only specifying the time between bounces but also the length of time the ball was in contact with the metal grid. However due to limitations in the apparatus available this was not possible. A metal ball would be too heavy to bounce that well, and so my number of bounces would be limited.

A more successful and accurate method however, uses a sound sensitive instrument/ device connected to a picoscope programme on the laptop called Dr Daq. This is very sensitive to sound, and so as the ball bounces it measures the time difference between each bounce. This is possible due to the sound produced by the ball as it hits the table, because each time a ball bounces it loses some of it's energy in the form of sound. The Dr Daq picks up the sound produced by the ball and produces a voltage which is picked up by the picoscope programme, producing a voltage against time graph. The time between each bouce can be found out by placing a cursor at the beginning of each sound wave and the programme will calculate the time inbetween each bounce alone. The time between each bounce that has been worked out is then used to work out the height reached by the ball at each bounce, using the following;

Plugging in the known                (1) V=u+at                        (2)S=ut+1/2 at2

values of final                                     O=u+at                            S=-at2+1/2at2

velocity, acceleration (gravity)             U=-at                            S=-1/2at2

and the time taken,                                 This can be checked by

I can find out the height                                        V2=u2+2 as

achieved.                                                        U2=-2as

                                (-at)2/-2a        =        a2 t2/-2a= S=-1/2 at2

This method is a lot simpler and as the measurements are done by computer, they’re also a lot more accurate. However using this method means using a ball that will project enough sound for the Dr Daq system to pickup. I also wanted a simple ball that would bounce enough times to give me good readings, and won’t give off too much energy as sound or kinetic, providing enough P.E for it to bounce back again. I therefore used a bouncy ball and rubber ball, as I felt I didn’t need any more than 5 sound readings.

Having chosen the ball I needed a surface that was hard enough to project enough sound and didn’t absorb too much energy from the ball so it could bounce back up again. This surface also had to be flat, just so that the ball stays in one place for the Dr Daq system to detect all of the ball’s bounces, this was made sure of by a spirit measurer. I tried out many surfaces to find one that would vibrate enough to produce a good enough echo for the Dr Daq system to pick up. So any wooden flat surface would do.

I wanted a drop height that would give enough readings that were loud enough for the Dr Daq system to pick up, having tried a range of drop heights, I decided a metre from the surface was good enough.

I had to find a way to make sure that I was dropping the ball from 1m height. So the ruler I used was held up by a clamp that was measured to be upright byhaving right angled traiangles placed at the bottom.

Having said that, when dropping the ball I may still unintentially throw the ball down which could be the effect of any movement made by hand other than dropping the ball. So I would simply place the ball on top of the metre ruler and due to the lack of balance and gravity the ball would fall itself from the metre ruler with an almost definite initial velocity of zero.

So my initial method for this first part of the experement would be:

Having made sure a metre rule is held perpendicular to the flat table and upright by lining it up with two right angled triangles; hold the rule in place with a clamp. Set up the laptop keeping the Dr Daq system close to the rule but allowing enough room for the ball to bounce around.The sound generated by the ball as it bounces is picked up by the Dr Daq system producing a voltage against time graph. Then from the readings made by the software work out the time in between each bounce by the X to O cursors lines supplied by the computer. The software will measure the difference. These cursor lines will be placed at the very beginning of the first peak of each bounce.

Having repeated the experement three times to find the average, my results are as follows

I have constructed a graph showing my results, however to show the accuracy of this experiment I have put in the values of the highest and lowest heights achieved as well as the average. This is to show indeed how accurate this means of measurement really is. As you can see from the graph overleaf, the highest range between any two points at a certain bounce is 0.02. This shows that my results are almost completely accurate and that the Dr Daq system will be very useful in obtaining results for this investigation.

From these results I can find out how bouncy the ping pong ball is: knowing that this collision is elastic.

Whenever two bodies collide, their total momentum [momentum (p)=mass (m) x velocity (v)] is conserved unless there are external forces acting on them. The total kinetic energy, however, usually decreasing , since the impact converts some of the kinetic energy to heat and/or sound and /or permanently distorts the bodies; leaving them with a decreased amount of potential energy. For the collision to be elastic the kinetic energy isn't lost but merely converted to sound energy, while the rest of the energy is used for the ball to bounce back up again.

Due to the rules of momentum as the table will always remain stationary and is too heavy compared to the ball to be moved by the ball colliding with it. The ball does all the moving and conservation of momentum by bouncing.

The energy which a body possesses solely because it is moving is called kinetec energy. The kinetic energy of a body can be defined as the amount of work it can do in coming to rest, or what amounts to the same thing, the amount of work that must have been done on it to increase its velocity from zero to the velocity it has at that point, or vice-versa as the ball bounces. Basically, if a body of mass m is moving with velocity v  then K.E. = 1/2mv2. Kinetic energy is a positive scalar quality.

The gravitational potential energy (G.P.E.) of a body can be defined as the amount of work that was done on it to give it that energy. Basically, if a body of mass m is at a height h, with the gravity constant g = 9.81ms-1 acting on it then G.E. = mgh. Alternatively, if a body of mass m is moved upwards through a height ∆ h then

Increase in G.P.E = mg ∆ h

Because the height of the body is taken above the arbitirary reference level (of ie/the metre rule) where the potential energy is taken to be zero. And because of this the gravitational potential energy of a body is not an absolute property to the body and its position but depends on the height reached chosen. This however makes no effect as we are only inerested in the change of gravitational potential energy that takes place as the body moves.

The principle of conservation of mechanical energy can be stated as: In a system in which the only forces acting are associated with potential energy (eg. Gravitational and elastic forces) the sum of the kinetic and potential energies in constant

ie KE + PE = a constant, however this constant is different between each bounce as some of the energy is lost as heat and /or sound so the constant decreases each time.

This can be used to obtain an expression for the velocity aquired by a ball of mass m in falling freely from rest at a height h where the air resistance will be considered negligable. As the ball falls it loses gravitational potential energy and gains KE. So KE gained =PE lost.

So ½mv2 = mgh


And therefore the velocity of the ball after it has fallen a distance h is v.

The ball doesn’t have the equal amount of energy leaving the surface as it does approaching the surface and so doesn’t reach the same height every time. This is so because the earth has exterted a force on it. The force is due to the soidity of the Earth/surface, rather than to its gravitational properties. At the same time, the body exerts a force on the earth, and both the body and the Earth become deformed. It is the kinetic energy which this body had immediately before the impact that has been used to produce these deformation. If they are permanent, (ie. a juggling ball) the energy which created them is dissipated as heat and sound, and the body remains at rest on the ground. However in this case the balls and the Earth regain their original shapes, and so lose the elastic potential energy which they acquired at the impact and the body bounces. Some energy is bound  to be dissipated as heat and/or sound, and therefore the body has less than its original amount of kintetic energy and therefore does not reach its original height.

Howerver the relative velocity with which two bodies separate from each other, after a collion, is related to their relative velocity of approach and a constant known as the 'coefficient of resitution'of the two bodies. The relationship is known as Newton's experimental law of impact and can be expressed as

speed of seperatioon = e x speed of approach

The coeffient of restitution determines how elastic or inelastic the collision is according to the value of e that is associated with it

Classification of collisions

Having conducted the method established using a simple ping pong ball, I will apply my results to the formula to find the ping pong’s coefficient of restitution.

So from my results the speed of approach before the first bounce ie. The speed of the ball approaching the ground just after it was dropped;  

S = 1

                                                U = 0                        V2 = u2 + 2as

                                                V = ?                         v=-√(2x9.81x1)

A = -9.81                   =-4.43ms-1

                     Speed = 4.43 ms-1

The speed of seperation;

S = 0.777

                                                U = ?                        V2 – 2as = u2

                                                V = 0                       v= √(-2x-9.81x0.777)

A = -9.81                 = 3.90ms-1

                     Speed = 3.90ms-1

                        Speed of seperation _        = e =        3.90        =        0.880

                         Speed of approach                 4.43

As it's so close to 1 it is a very elastic collision. it would be impossible to get a completely elastic collision as the that will mean that no energy is conserved from kinetic to sound and/or heat.

From the graphs produced of my results one can see the exponential decay of bounce of the ball. It has the same shape

as the exponential graph  y = ex

However in the opposite direction y = e-x

But moved along the x axes. The general formula for finding the decay constant from an exponential decay s;

                N = N0 e-λt        or H = H0 e-λb

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H being the height reached by the ball, H0 being the initial height the ball was dropped at, b being the number of bounces and λ being the decay constant. Since the height is proportional to the number of bounces, taking logs to the base e

In H = in H0 - λt   as In ex = x

Hence to get the equation to apply to the y = mx + c notation,

In H/In H0 = -λt = In H/H0

However as H0 = 1m then In H = -λt + c

c being the y intercept. From my graph it’s been ...

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