Investigating the Bouncing of a Ball.

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Physics Coursework

  • Investigating the Bouncing of a Ball

Sarah Tayler

In this investigation, a basketball was dropped from a certain height (2.24m), and its displacement was measured over a short period of time (approximately 5 seconds) using an ultrasound distance sensor which was fixed directly above. The basketball weighed 602g and had a diameter of 24.2 cm. The sampled data was recorded and used to plot various graphs.

Table of Data (1,2):

The recorded data is shown in the table, along with the displacement from the ground, velocity, acceleration, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy and total energy. Although 99 samples were taken altogether, the last 8 have been discarded as the readings after that point became erratic.

Displacement/Time graph (3):

This graph shows the displacement of the basketball from the sensor. Each separate bounce is clear to see.

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Displacement/Time graph (4):

This graph also shows displacement, but it shows the displacement from the ground, which is easier to interpret. It is noticeable that at the point where the ball should be touching the ground, it is not quite. This is because, although the ball bounced mainly vertically, the floor was not perfectly flat and so an element of sideways movement was introduced. Therefore the ball moved slightly away from the sensor horizontally.

Velocity/Time graph (5):

This graph shows the velocity of the basketball. The values for its velocity were worked out by calculating the gradient of ...

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