Investigating the Different Factors That Affect the Rate of Reaction Between Marble Chips and Dilute HydrochloricAcid.

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The aim of this investigation is to investigate the different factors that affect the rate of reaction between marble chips (calcium carbonate-CaCO3) and hydrochloric acid (HCL).

Here is a word equation and a balanced symbol equation of this reaction, showing the reactants and the products.

CaCO3  (s)    +   2HCl (aq)                                          CaCl2   (aq)   +   H2O  (l)   +  CO2   (g)  

        Reactants                                                  Products

Hydrochloric acid + calcium carbonate                        calcium chloride + water +

                                                                                  carbon dioxide        


Here is a list of the different factors that affect the rate of the reaction between hydrochloric acid and marble chips (calcium carbonate).

The reaction will tell me how fast or how slow a chemical reaction is or in other words how quickly the reactants turn into products. There are five factors that could affect the reaction rate. They are:-

  1. Temperature – if the temperature increases then the rate of the reaction will also increase.

  1. Concentration- if the concentration of a reactant in solution increases (in this case we are talking about hydrochloric acid) then the rate of the reaction will also increase.

  1. Pressure- if the pressure of a reacting gas increases ( in this case there is no reacting gas therefore this factor cannot be used) then the rate of the reaction will also increase.

  1. Surface area- if the surface area of a solid reactant increases (in this case we are talking about the marble chips- calcium carbonate- CaCO3 ) then the rate of the reaction will also increase.

  1. Catalyst- if a catalyst is used then the rate of the reaction will also increase.

The variable I have chosen is the concentration of dilute hydrochloric acid since the concentration of HCl (a reactant in solution) can easily be varied by simply adding distilled water to the original solution. The rate of the reaction will be measured by measuring the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced every 10s by using a gas syringe.


The following apparatus will be used:-

  • Calcium carbonate chips
  • Hydrochloric acid 2.0 mol dm‾ ³
  • Distilled water
  • A conical flask- I chose a large enough conical flask to prevent spillage
  • A gas syringe- to measure the amount of carbon dioxide gas produced
  • A delivery tube- for connection to the gas syringe
  • A rubber bung- to prevent any gas from escaping into the air
  • A stand and clamp to hold the gas syringe
  • A stop watch- to time the rate of the reaction
  • A top pan- to weigh the calcium carbonate chips
  • A measuring cylinder- to measure the volume of distilled water and hydrochloric acid
  • A spatula
  • A glass vial
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I did not use the factors below for many different reasons:-

  1. Temperature- was not used since it would be difficult to keep the temperature of HCl constant through out the whole experiment therefore an accurate set of results would not be obtained.

  1. Pressure- was not used since at least one of the reactants needed to be a gas so that the rate of the reaction will increase. As you can see ...

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