Investigating the effect of changing one of the factors in the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate.

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Mel Cleal 11ms                                                                                                                                                   16-10-02        

Investigating the effect of changing one of the factors in the reaction between Hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate.


The aim of this investigation is to investigate the factors that effect the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium thiosulphate. The main factors are concentration and temperature. I will be looking at concentration.

Background knowledge:

Increasing the concentration of a substance in a solution means that there will be more particles per dm3 of that substance. The more particles there are,
the more will that will collide per second, and so the rate of the reaction increases.

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In the reaction between sodium thiosulphate solution
and dilute hydrochloric acid, increasing the concentration of sodium thiosulphate
means that there will be less time before the cross can no longer be seen
(the sulphur will be produced more quickly). Therefore if you dilute the sodium thiosulphate, more time is taken as it will take longer for the cross to disappear.  

HCl + sodium thiosulphate ± sodium chloride + sulphur dioxide + sulphur + water
HCl(aq)   +  Na2S2O3(aq)     ±       NaCl(aq)      +    SO2(g)      +      S(s) + H2O(l)

When making different concentrations of sodium thiosulphate, you should take care to use the same total volume (of ...

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