Investigating the effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis.

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Photosynthesis is the name of the process that plants go through to make food (glucose). Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of the leaf. Within the chloroplast is a green chemical called chlorophyll, this is exactly where the process of photosynthesis takes place. This chemical is utilized to catch light energy from the sun, this is vital in photosynthesis.

(Taken from the BBC GCSE Bitesize website)

As evident from the equation above, light energy is imperative in the process of photosynthesis. Thus, we can say that if light energy was removed from the equation the plant would eventually die. Therefore we can see that light is a limiting factor. If a plant has plenty of Carbon Dioxide and water, but not enough light, the plant will not photosynthesise properly. So if we increase the light intensity the plant would unmistakably photosynthesise better.

Carbon Dioxide is also an important factor in the process of photosynthesis. Consequently if there is not enough Carbon Dioxide the plant cannot photosynthesis properly. If there is additional Carbon Dioxide present the plant would photosynthesise much better.

Another very important limiting factor is temperature. If the weather is too cold the enzymes would be to cold to function properly, therefore causing photosynthesis to be very slow or at a standstill. Unlike the other limiting factors if the plant is exposed to any temperature above the optimum level it causes the rate of reaction in photosynthesis to slow down and stop. If this happens the high temperature severs the enzymes. This usually happens at 20 degrees. (

We can see the effect of these limiting factors more clearly in graphs.

Light Intensity                           Carbon Dioxide Concentration                 Temperature

As shown in the light intensity and the Carbon Dioxide concentration graphs, as light and Carbon Dioxide increase so does the rate of photosynthesis. The rates are then stable until the limiting factor is removed. However for the temperature graph, if the temperature goes over the optimum level (20 degrees) the plant enzymes begin to break down. This causes the rate of reaction to slow down and eventually stop.

In the diagram below we can see the elements that a plant needs, and when all these elements are present, the output element is oxygen. Therefore we can see that light is an important factor in the process of photosynthesis.

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(Taken from the Key Science Biology book).

For a plant to photosynthesise effectively, the leaf needs to be a successful technique for absorbing light energy. The diagram below shows how the leaf is structured to absorb light energy.

This inevitably shows that light energy is vital in the process of photosynthesis. We can see this from ...

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