Investigating the effect of Temperature upon the Enzyme Catalase

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Investigating the effect of Temperature upon the Enzyme Catalase


Living cells continually carry out chemical reactions and produce hydrogen peroxide. It is a toxic substance which would destroy the cell if it’s not immediately broken down.

This breakdown is carried out by the enzyme CATALASE, which is produced in Living cells. Catalase breaks down the hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen making it harmless to the cell.

Hydrogen            Catalase

Peroxide                                         Water + Oxygen

2H2O2                                                       2H2O + O2

Therefore Catalase is the catalyst. Hydrogen peroxide is the substrate

Catalase is the fastest enzyme known when it comes into contact with H2O2,

Bubbles (frothing) show rapid production of oxygen.


To study the action of Catalase upon potato at different temperatures. I plan to assess the reaction by measuring the volume of oxygen produced in three minutes.

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  1. Grate 5g potato. This will increase the surface area and also break open the cells to release the enzyme Catalase.

  1. Put the tissue into a conical flask.

  1. Secure the top of the flask with a bung attached to a delivery tube

  1. Place the other end of the delivery tube into a tank of water. Place over it a measuring cylinder filled with water

  1. Measure 5cm3 hydrogen peroxide into a syringe. Place this into a hole in the bung of the flask.

  1. At room temperature, add ...

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