Investigating the effects of changing the concentration of different solutions on the refractive index and the conductivity

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James Fung 13S

Physics Investigation --- Investigating the effects of changing the concentration of different solutions on the refractive index and the conductivity


Aim        P.2

Summary        P.2

Risk assessment        P.2

Information on errors / uncertainties        P.2

Background        P.3-7

        Refractive index        P.3-7

Diary         P.7-13

        Day 1        P.7

        Day 2        P.7

        Day 3        P.8

        Day 4        P.9-10

        Day 5        P.10-11

        Day 6        P.11-12

        Day 7        P.12

        Day 8        P.12-13

Analysis        P.13

Background        P.14-15

        Conductance        P.15

Dairy        P.15-16

        Day 9        P.15

        Day 10        P.16

Analysis        P.16

Evaluation        P.17

Conclusion        P.17

Bibliography        P.18

Appendix        P.19-24

        1        P.19

        2        P.20

        3        P.21

        4        P.22

        5        P.23

        6        P.24


The main aim of this investigation is to find out how some of the properties of solutions change when their concentration is altered.


When I was told that we were going to do this practical investigation, I struggled for a while not knowing what to do. But as I searching more and reading more about A Level experiments, they conjured up lots of different ideas in my head. When it came to the time for our plan, I decided to investigate the effect of changing the concentration of different solutions on the refractive index. At the beginning, I had some troubles in choosing suitable equipment. When I tried out some trials, they seemed alright. However due to a few problems arose, I had to change my idea slightly. So instead, I investigated the effect of changing the concentration of different solutions on the conductance of the solutions.

Risk Assessment

I have considered the risk that might occur during the investigation before I actually start my investigation. As I am going to deal with mainly salt and sugar, these substances and the solutions formed are neither irritant nor corrosive nor carcinogenic etc. Besides, most equipment that I am going to use is normal laboratory equipment like beaker, glass rod, watch glass … so there shouldn’t be any real risk throughout the whole investigation just apart from breaking the glass.

Information on errors / uncertainties

Error is a word used to describe any inaccuracies in measurements, any uncertainties that may occur during the experiment. Errors can be of many sorts. They can be , say, the human reaction time in measuring time, can be the accuracy in values of measurements, or even variation in measurements. Errors should be greatly considered and we should try to eliminate them as much as possible. Even so, any numerical values recorded should be noted within a range, taking into account of any uncertainties. Errors are usually quoted as ±          and they should be quoted to the same level of significance to the actual value. E.g. if a volume of 100 ml of water is measured out using a measuring cylinder corrected to 1 ml, the most accurate volume we can get is ± 0.5 ml. With 0.5 ml more, we get 101 ml and with 0.5 ml less, we get 99 ml, so the volume of water should be recorded as 100 ± 1 ml.


Refractive index

Refractive index of a medium is the ratio of the speed of electromagnetic radiation in free space to the speed of the radiation in that medium. As the refractive index varies with wavelength, the wavelength should be specified and it is usually given for yellow light. When a light ray passes through a transparent material, the ray is bent or refracted. When it leaves the material, it is bent or refracted again. As a result, the ray keeps heading the same direction but is laterally displaced. This phenomenon is called refraction and it doesn’t happen only when the ray hits the material at right angle. This is shown in Diagram 1 below.

 Diagram 1

A transparent material, e.g. a glass block, through, which light travels is called a medium. When light passes from a less dense to a denser medium, e.g. from air to glass or water, it is bent towards the normal. This means that the angle of refraction is smaller than the angle of incidence. Diagram 2 and Diagram 3 illustrate that the glass and water, respectively, as a denser medium slows down the speed of light when the light ray enters it.

Diagram 2

Diagram 3

However, when light passes from a denser to a less dense transparent material, e.g. from glass or water to air, it is bent away from the normal, which means that the angle of refraction becomes bigger than the angle of incidence. Diagram 4 shows when light travels from glass or water into air, ∠ i • ∠ r.



                                                                                                  Glass / water



                                                                                                                         Diagram 4

How much a ray is bent depends on the media between which it travels. If we know the direction of the incident ray, we can find the direction of the refracted ray using the laws of refraction: when a ray of light passes from one medium to another

  • the incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal all lie in the same plane
  • the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence, i, to the sine of the angle of refraction, r, is a constant, that is,constant, which is called the Snell’s law.

This is true for any pair of values of i and r. This was discovered by Snell (a Dutch scientist) in 1621 and was named after him.

Taking this further, sin i refers to the angle between light ray and the normal in the air while sin r refers to the angle between light ray and the normal in the medium.

Nowadays, the ratio of sin i and sin r is called the refractive index. As the Snell’s law says,  is always constant, so with a particular material having any pair of values of i and r, the refractive index will always be the same.

Refraction of light causes the water in a swimming pool to appear shallower than it actually is. If an object is placed under water, it will appear nearer to the surface, this is because the light from the object refracts away from the normal at the surface. Just as the light refracts towards the normal when it passes from air to water, so it refracts away from the normal when it passes out. Diagram 5 shows an example of placing a coin under the water and when we look through the water, the coin seems to be higher up than it actually is.

Diagram 5

Another example is illustrated below. O is the object, which is under water and we are viewing it from a near-normal position. When light is refracted from the object, passing from the water into the air, it has a particular angle of incidence, i. Due to the density of water and air, the angle of refraction bents away from the normal when the light ray passes out from water. However, human eyes don’t adjust this for us and we just assume that the light travels in a straight line. Therefore, we seem to think that the object O is situated in O. When applying the Snell’s law into the above situation, the refractive index of the water is:

 (position of sin i and sin r is changed because we are talking about light passing from water into air)

 ( corresponding angle &  alternate angle)

 (provided that the ray from O to P is near the normal ⇒ i and r are small angles ⇒ PO = OS & PO = OS)

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                                                       P                               S


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