Investigating the factors that affect the rate of reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Acid

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Laura Skevington

Investigating the factors that affect the rate of reaction between Calcium Carbonate and Acid


The aim of my experiment is to see how, and if changing the mass of the Calcium Carbonate affects the rate that Carbon dioxide gas is given off when Hydrochloric Acid is added.


I think that if we increase the mass of the Calcium Carbonate the rate of reaction will speed up. There is greater mass and more surface area so collision between Calcium Carbonate particles and Hydrochloric acid particles is a lot more likely to happen and at a faster rate so more Carbon Dioxide gas will be produced.

Scientific Theory behind my prediction - The Collision Theory

Picture 1 Picture 2

The Collision Theory can be explained in terms of increasing the number of Collisions between atoms every second.

In picture 1 there are 4 atoms of Calcium Carbonate and 10 atoms of hydrochloric acid. The atoms collide with each other and give off Carbon Dioxide gas.

The amount of Calcium Carbonate is increased to 8 atoms (Picture 2) and the amount of Hydrochloric acid stays the same. As there are more atoms of Calcium Carbonate so there are more atoms for the Hydrochloric Acid to collide with, this makes collision between atoms more frequent and as a result of this more Carbon Dioxide gas will be given off at the end of my experiment.

(The information on the Collision Theory was from CGP Double Science Higher Tier Revision Guide)
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Fair Test

For my experiment to be a fair test I am going to make sure that the following factors are kept the same:

* I am going to use Calcium Carbonate in a powder form, as it is far more accurate to measure out so the test will be more accurate.

* I am going to increase the amount of Calcium Carbonate by 2 grams each time I repeat the experiment.

* I am going to use 50ml of Hydrochloric Acid in each experiment.

* I am going to repeat the experiment ...

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