Investigating the speed of pulses along a strectched spring

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Investigating the speed of pulses along a strectched spring


This experiment is to measure the speed of pulses along a stretched spring and compare it with the thearetical value.


Long spring x 1

Stop-watch x 1

Newton balance(scale 0-10N) x 1

Slinky spring x 1

Metre rule or measuring tape x 1

Compression balance(scale 0-2kg) x 1


A wave, which can transfer energy from one point to another, consists of a disturbance moving from a source to sorrounding places.

There are two types of progressive wave: transverse wave and longitudinal wave. The direction associated with the disturbance is at right angles to the direction of travel by the transverse wave. The disturbance is in the same direction as that of the longitudinal wave. The pulses of this two type of waves can be sent along a slinky spring. In this experiment, both the transverse and longitudinal pulses are generated bt\y the hand, and the speed of the transvers pulses along the spring  c can be found by: c =  whereT is the tension of the spring and μis the mass per unit length of the spring.

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1. A long spring was stretched on the floor over a distance of about 10m. The two ends of the long spring was marked with chalk.

2. A long spring along the spring was sent and the time of travel from one end to the other and back again was measured. Then the pulse was calculated.

3. The tension T of the sping was measured by using a Newton balance. The mass m of the spring was measured. The mass per unit length μ of the spring was found.

4. The theoretical value of the pulse speed ...

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