Investigation into Energy Released From Burning Various Alcohols.

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Andrew Lyons

Investigation into Energy Released From Burning Various Alcohols


In this investigation, I will investigate the energy released from different alcohols when they are burnt.  I will be using the following alcohols:






I will be burning the alcohols in spirit burners, with a beaker of water above.  I will use the temperature of the water, change in mass of the spirit burner and the specific heat capacity of water to work out the amount of energy released.  The reaction that occurs when burning alcohols is exothermic, and so the water in the beaker will absorb this heat energy.

The variables that could affect the investigation are listed here:

  • Types of Alcohol
  • Isomers of Alcohols
  • Type of Container (I.e. glass, plastic)
  • Time left for Alcohol to Burn
  • Height of Water above flame
  • Wick length on spirit burner

An alcohol has the general formula of: Cn H2n+1 OH

So, for example, the formula for Ethanol is C2H5OH, and the formula for Propan-1-ol/Propan-2-ol is C3H7OH.  Each alcohol has a different amount of Carbon (C) and Hydrogen (H) atoms, and this will affect the energy released by each separate one.  The different isomers of each alcohol may also affect the results.  An isomer is another variation of an alcohol, which has the same chemical formula, but a different molecule structure, and different physical properties.  This means that different isomers of the same alcohol may release different amounts of energy when burnt.

Source: Encarta Encyclopaedia 2003

The type of container will affect the results, and may make the test unfair.  Some of the energy given off will be taken in by the container, and the material the container is made from will affect how much of the energy is absorbed.  To work out how much energy is absorbed, I would have to know further details about the container, such as its specific eat capacity.

The time left for the alcohol to burn will also affect the results, as the longer it is left to burn, the more energy will be released.  Finally, the height of the water above the flame will affect the results.  As the energy is released, some of it will be dispersed into the air before reaching the water.  With a larger distance between the water and the spirit burner, there would be more time for the energy to disperse, and the amount of energy in the water would be lower than if the water was closer to the spirit burner.

I will be investigating the type of alcohol, and how the amounts of energy released by them compare to each other.  As I change the type of alcohol, I predict that the amount of energy released will also change. I predict that the alcohol Methanol, formula CH3OH, will release less energy than Pentan-1-ol, formula C5H11OH, as Pentan-1-ol has more atoms, and therefore more bonds to be made.

The reaction that takes place when you burn the alcohol is (using an example of ethanol):

C2H5OH + 3O2 ---------> 2CO2 + 3H2O + Energy (heat)

When you burn pentanol, there are more bonds that are made to give the Carbon Dioxide and Water than there are in the above example with Ethanol.  When the bonds are broken, energy is given off.  When more bonds are broken, more energy is given off.

Similarly, Butan-1-ol has more bonds to make than Propan-2-ol does, and will therefore release more energy when burnt than Propan-2-ol will.

I have calculated the energy that should theoretically be given off by each alcohol when burnt, and have shown the results in the table below:

This data was obtained in the following way:

  • I made a table showing what bonds between atoms, and how many of each, were made.

  • I also made a small table showing the energy (Kj/mole) that is used/released when each bond is made/broken.
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  • I multiplied the number of each bond that occurred for a particular molecule by the energy it used/released, to get how much energy was used/released in total through that bonding.  I then added together the energy used to break every bond in the reaction to get a total energy used for the reaction.  I also added together all the energy made from making bonds together for a total number of energy released.


Bonds Energies:

C-H  413        C-O  358        O-H  464        O=O  497        C-C  346

3 x 413 = 1239

1 x 358 = 358

1 x 464 = 464


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**** A sound report that has made good use of the collected data but could be improved by greater consideration being given to the evaluation. To improve Planning The plan needs a thorough risk assessment to be included. It would help if greater consideration were given to how to limit heat loss in the experiment during the planning stage. Carrying out Valid data seems to have been recorded but some headings in tables are misleading or missing key columns and units. The values calculated do not seem to agree with published data. Conclusion and Evaluation The conclusion makes some reference to the relevant scientific theory and refers to possible anomalies. Whilst there are some ideas for extending the work there are no suggestions included that would modify the apparatus to help improve the main problem of heat loss.