Investigation into what factors can affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

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Chemistry Coursework

An investigation into what factors can affect the rate of a chemical reaction.

Section 1


I have been asked it investigate what factors can influence the rate of a chemical reaction.  I will be reacting magnesium and hydrochloric acid.  To measure the rate of a reaction, I will time how long it will take the reaction to produce 5ml, 10ml, 15ml, and 20ml of hydrogen.  There are a number of variables that can affect the rate of my experiment i.e.

  • Size of the magnesium, this is because there is more surface area: more magnesium is exposed to the hydrochloric acid and therefore more acid can attack the magnesium.
  • The concentration of the acid, this is because there are more acid molecules in a greater molar of acid and therefore more acid molecules can attack the magnesium atoms.
  • Catalysts, weakening bond, this will increase the rate of the reaction by lowering activation energy.  (A catalyst will not be used in my experiment)
  • Temperature, this is because heat will give more energy to the reaction and therefore the particle will move around faster causing more collisions between the magnesium atoms and hydrochloric acid molecules.

I have decided to investigate how the concentration of the acid can affect the rate of a reaction.  To make this a fair test I will change the concentration of the acid, but keep the other variables constant.  I predict that the higher the concentration the faster the reaction will take place; this is because in a higher concentration of acid there are more acid molecules in a set volume.  This means there will be more chance of the magnesium atoms colliding with the acid molecules and reacting.  This is like a room with a few people in, as there is not many people in the room this is a low chance of them colliding.  However, as the number of people increases there is more and more chance of them colliding.  In theory, if the concentration is doubles the then rate of the reaction should also double.  The reaction rate, however, should decrease as it progresses as time progresses the magnesium atoms and acid molecules are decreasing in numbers producing hydrogen.

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Low concentration of acid        Medium concentration of acid        High concentration of acid

These diagrams show that the higher the concentration the greater he chance of collision.

I did a few preliminary experiments first to see which was the best size of magnesium was best to use and the best volume of hydrochloric acid was best to use.  These experiments were very important as if I did not carry them out the reaction could be either to quick resulting in me not being able to complete my table accurately ...

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