Investigation of the rate of reaction of sodium thiosulphate with dilute hydrochloric acid.

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Yordan Agov 5th 

Chemistry Coursework

Investigation of the rate of reaction of sodium thiosulphate with dilute hydrochloric acid

I am going to investigate the relationship between the rate of the reaction of sodium thiosulphate with hydrochloric acid. This is the ionic equation of the reaction:

2H+(aq) + S2O32-(aq)          SO2(aq) + H2O(l) +S(s)

Dilute hydrochloric acid + Sodium thiosulphate + Sulphur dioxide +  

                                                                                 Water + Sulphur

Scientific background

All mater made out of tiny particles. Particles, which are of the same matter, attract each other, but if these particles gain enough energy they can overcome this attraction and move freely.

This is the state at which particles of a certain matter have enough kinetic energy to stretch their intermolecular attractions to be able to move more freely. Elements or compounds in this state can fit and form different shapes. In this state, all elements and compounds are described as liquids. A meter squared of this matter in liquid form would also be lighter that the same volume of a solid of the same matter as it is less dense and has a lower concentration.

This is the state at which particles of a certain matter receive enough energy to completely overcome their intermolecular attraction. Therefore the particles of that matter are virtually not at all attracted to each other, they move independently in random directions. In such a state, elements or compounds can easily fit into different shapes. In this state, matters are also much easier to compress. Matters in such a state are described as gasses. A certain volume of gas would be lighter than that same volume of liquid or solid states of that matter as it is least dense and has the lowest concentration

This is the state at which particles of a certain matter hardly receive enough energy to separate from each other. They have low kinetic energy and so their intermolecular attraction keeps them close together. So, as they are close together, when they vibrate, they seem to vibrate at a set point. Since the particles are closely packed they stay at a certain shape and are extremely hard to compress. Matters at that state are described as solids. Their shape can be altered if the particles strongly clash into some other material, simply if you throw it into another hard solid.

At one temperature, some matters may be at solid, liquid or gas state, but that would depend on the molecular structure of these matters.

To investigate the rate of reaction I would need to understand the collision theory. For two particles, molecules, atoms or ions to react, they would firstly need to collide. However, these particles would need to collide with a certain energy level for the reaction to occur. This is because these particles would need to break the bonds or/and attractions, before they could make new different particles. To break those bonds and attractions they would need a certain minimum level of energy, called the activation energy. At room temperature (around 20oC), a minor collision can easily start up a chemical reaction of this sort. If particles collide and reach the activation energy that they would produce a fruitful collision, which means that they have collided with enough energy to break old bonds and form new ones, this is when a chemical reaction occurs. But if particles don’t reach the activation energy when they collide, than they wouldn’t be able to break old ones to form new ones and no chemical reaction would occur. This type of collision is described as an unfruitful collision. The diagram below explains this:

The rate of the reaction depends on many variable conditions such as pressure, concentration of solutions, temperature and size of particle (if the matter is a solid).

A greater concentration of the reactant means the more particles of the reactant per unit of volume. We talk about concentration when we use liquid solutions. If you originally had a flask filled with the reactant up to a certain volume, you can lower the concentration of the reactant in a solution by firstly putting a lower volume of the reactant into the flask and than filling it up to the fixed volume with another liquid like water. In liquids, particles have an extended intercellular attraction and so aren’t independent, however that doesn’t prevent them to move randomly in all directions (within their boundaries as there still is an intercellular attraction). Collisions between particles in liquids or gasses theoretically occur at random, therefore if you increase the number of particles in a defined volume there is a greater chance of particles between the two reactants colliding, so more collisions would occur, and vice versa, provided that one of the reactants is kept at a constant volume and concentration.

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Pressure also affects the rate of the reaction. You could say that it doesn’t directly affect the rate of the reaction. Pressure actually affects concentration. If there is a higher pressure upon a liquid, than the liquid would be suppressed and become denser. This is because the particles are given less volume but keep their kinetic energy, which brings them closer to each other. So if they are closer, then they would be a higher chance of collisions occurring and so the rate of the reaction would be increased. It is also noticeable that one of the ways that catalysts ...

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