Introduction on the potato experiment.
I am going to carry out an investigation to see where osmosis takes place, What I am going to do is chop five pieces of potato’s the same mass, I will put all 5 pieces in a beaker with salt solution, then I will record the mass by using electronic scales (balance) after being in the salt solution every 2 minutes for 10 minutes and then I will record my results into a table.
Investigation on osmosis.
What are the variables in this experiment? The variables are different strengths of salt solutions I have mention different strengths of salt solution as the different strengths can speed up or slow down for reaction times. The same potato sizes if the size are not the same then it wouldn’t be a fair test as one might be bigger than the other and you would get a non accurate set of results. The length of timing is crucial, as the test that I do have to be the same timing to get the most accurate results.
Draw a diagram to show how the apparatus will be arranged for the potato experiment.
Stop watch Salt solution and Beaker and Potato. Knife to cut potato pieces. Sensitive balance to weight
Potato mass.
Paper towels used to dry the potato before put on scale to be weighted.
Plan for my experiment.
- I am going to chop the potato into 5 pieces they are all going to be the same size, I will ensure that they are the same size by weighing the pieces of potato.
- Then to make it a fair test, I will carry out 5 experiments to ensure I have accurate results. I will need 5 beakers, and then I will put salt solution in my beaker around about half way up of the beaker.
- Then I will weight the each of the 5 potatoes on a sensitive balance after 2
Minutes for 10 minutes then I will record my results into a table.
- I will record my results every to 2 minutes using accurate timing by using a stopwatch. When the first 2 minutes are up I will take out the 5 potato pieces dry them with a paper towel weigh them put my results into a table, then put all the potato pieces back in the beaker and wait another 2 minutes and repeat the same process.
What safety point do I need to consider?
I need to be careful not to cut my self with the knife when chopping the potato pieces or breaking the beaker as glass might go everywhere and I might cut my self. Another safety issue is that I need to put back the equipment where I find it as it could harm someone else, as they don’t know where the equipment goes.
How am I going to make this experiment fair?
I am going to make the experiment a fair test by, making the pieces of potato the same mass in weight, also make all the timing the same, dry each of the potato pieces properly that’s how I will keep my variables of the experiment fair.
Below is a table which I have record the result of my experiment as you can see;
I put my results in 5 graphs as you can see at the end of my investigation there are 6 sheet 5 individual and one all together results. I made another graphs and put all 5 points on one graph but that graph was squeezed together and I couldn’t read the results accurately so I made individual graphs, You can find this graph after all my 5 graphs.
What pattern did I find in my results?
In my graph the results were nearly the same in pattern. Which were a sudden rise at the beggining and a sudden drop and at the end the water particles started to level out. What happened in all the graphs was that in first 2 minutes the potato gained mass rapidly at the 4th minute the mass droped there was a decrease in the mass of the potato then at the 6th minute there was a big drop in mass and then the 8th and 10th minutes the mass started to level out this is OSMOSIS TOOK PLACE. At the 6th minute Osmosis started to level out because the same amount of potato water particles are the same as the salt solution then both of the particles begin to level out. The dramatic change was at 0-2 minutes when the water particles came out in the salt solution quite quickly which caused a rise in mass.
There are more starch particles in the potato, so there for there are more water particles in the starch solution than the salt solution. In the four first four minutes more of the potato water particles go into the salt solution. After 4-6 minutes there is a rapid drop in mass of the potato water particles, this is because the water particles are levelled out, so the same amount of water particles are going into the potato starch particles and the same amount of water particles is going into the salt solution.
The water particles have levelled out so this is where osmosis takes place. 6-minutes to 10 minutes there is a little drop in mass as osmosis is taking place. The water particles pass through the cell membrane. There are more water particles in and around the starch than there is in the salt solution; the salt solution is concentrated so it has less water particles. This is how my experiment looked scientifically. The potato solution is dilute.
Starch particles Nucleus for the potato
Cell membrane where water particles pass through.
More water particles than salt solution starch solution is dilute.
Less water particles as the salt solution is concentrated.
Below is a diagram of what my experiment look liked closely as you can see Osmosis is just starting to take place.
I don’t think my results were that accurate because the all-5 potato pieces were different in mass 1.34g, 1.38g, 1.36g, 1.34g, 1.38g, these are the weights of the 5 potato pieces before I experimented with them. My results couldn’t be that accurate as the pieces of potato WAS NOT the same.
Also I don’t think that my results are that accurate because when I got all 5 potato out the water, it depends how hard you press the paper towel to get the water particles out and this was different every time and for one results I had to wait for 2 minutes I think to use the scales as someone as in the class was using it at present, those are all the reasons why I think my results are not accurate.
I could make my results accurate by having the same exact weight for each of them instead of a few point of grams out. I would also need scales to my-self and just me using them so I don’t waste any time in the experiment. I could also use 5 people as they could dry the potato pieces quick and put them on the balance and I would record the result that’s how I think I would get accurate results.
Were any results a bit doggy? There was one doggy point on my graph that was at 2-4 minutes as there was a massive increase; I think that I didn’t dry the potato that much so there was more mass which cause a dramatic increase in mass.
How do you think you plan was?
With out my plan this investigation wouldn’t have been fair or not accurate at all, because in the plan I planned out what I was going to do before I started the experiment, this is one of the key concepts the plan as I told the reader what I was going to be doing so they know and understand more. In my plan I told the reader what I was going to do.
How can I make my plan better?
Next time, I would use a longer period of time, I would change the salt solution to different solution such as weaker and stronger solutions, and so I would have a wide range or results and have more analysing to do. I would measure the salt solution so it would be the right amount all the time and I would experiment more, more than 5 experiment and maybe record the time every 5 minutes for 30 minutes to get better results. With stronger and weaker solutions I could see where osmosis takes places like for example a weaker solution could take a long period of time for osmosis.