Investigation to Find Out How the Amount of Electric Current Affects the Amount of Copper Deposited During the Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate Solution Using Copper Electrodes

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Krishan Raja – 10 Blue – Chemistry AT1 – Mr Keaney

Investigation to Find Out How the Amount of Electric Current Affects the Amount of Copper Deposited During the Electrolysis of Copper Sulphate Solution Using Copper Electrodes


In this experiment, I will attempt to find out how the amount of electric current affects the amount of copper deposited during the electrolysis of copper sulphate solution using copper electrodes.


I predict that the mass of the anode will steadily rise as the negative copper ions will be attracted to the positive electrode, at which the anode is connected. Therefore the anode’s mass will rise as more copper from the copper sulphate solution is electrolysed and attracted to the anode (+). The equation which shows the movement of the atoms in the anode and cathode is this:


Cu2 + (aq) + 2e- ➔ Cu (s)


Copper atoms become ions so the anode wears away


Cu (s) ➔ Cu2 + (aq) + 2e- 

Copper ions become atoms so copper is deposited

The anode is impure copper. As it wears away, the cathode gets plated with pure copper and the impurities fall away. Hence the cathode increases weight.

The above equation shows that with electrolysis, the copper atoms in the solution are charged positive, and as opposites attract, the positive copper ions will be attracted to the negative electrode (the cathode) which will cause the mass of the cathode to rise.

It is known that by passing a constant electric current through copper sulphate solution, when the ions pass through this solution, copper atoms get dissolved into the solution from the anode while positive copper ions (cations) being discharged at the cathode. Normally anions are discharged at the anode.

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          The purpose of the experiment that I carried out was to monitor the quantity of Copper (Cu) metal deposited during the electrolysis of Copper Sulphate solution (CuSo4) using Copper electrodes, when certain variables were changed. These are the factors that could affect the amount of Copper metal deposited on the cathode:

1.     Time

2.     Current

3.     Concentration of Solution

4.     Quantity of Solution

5.     Size of Electrodes

6.     Distance between the electrodes

7.     The surface of the electrodes

8.     Amount of electrode exposed

     The current was chosen as a variable because ...

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