Killing her softly with our selfishness!

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Killing her softly with our selfishness!

We use Non-renewable (fossil) fuels like natural gas, coal and oil, to power nearly everything we use in life. However all these materials will run out, and all these materials do physical harm to the environment. However we continuously pump out these substances, and we are going to pay! There are three main problems burning fossil fuels creates.


Firstly, burning fossil fuels creates carbon dioxide. The excess carbon dioxide acts like a huge plastic bag around the earth letting all the heat in and hardly any of the heat out. This makes the earth get hotter and if it gets any worse will eventually melt the polar ice caps, flooding the big cities like London and even New York! We know this! Yet we still insist on using more and more in fact it's annual increase is currently 0.5%. This doesn't sound very much but if we carry on cutting down all our trees (the only converter of Oxygen to Carbon Dioxide) for grazing land for cattle for our fast food restaurants it will become impossible to get rid of! Even the carbon dioxide we breathe out will cause that little bit more of a problem for the earth!
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This obviously isn't the only poison we continuously threaten Mother Nature with by burning fossil fuels and with nearly all the other substances comes another big problem.


Burning fossil fuels also releases Sulphur Dioxide and Nitrogen oxide, these both make acid rain and trust me it doesn't take much! Firstly these two mix with oxygen in the air creating Sulphur Oxide and Nitrogen Oxide, these then mix with water vapour in clouds and then acid of pH value 4 falls freely from the sky. Sounds painful? Believe me it is it defaces building, ...

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