Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid.

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                Jordan Hoose

Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid Coursework


The aim of this investigation is to determine what affects the rate of reaction when magnesium and hydrochloric acid are combined to form a solution.

        The variable that my group are going to change shall be the concentration of acid (the acid used in this experiment is going to be hydrochloric acid). We are going to control the temperature, the amount of acid and the amount of magnesium. We are going to measure the amount of hydrogen given off from the experiment.


I expect that the magnesium will displace the hydrogen in hydrochloric acid, to form magnesium chloride.

        I expect this to happen because magnesium is higher in the reactivity series than hydrogen. If an element is higher in the reactivity series than an element from a compound, it will displace it. In this case, magnesium will be displacing hydrogen. This is called a displacement reaction. Magnesium is an element and hydrochloric acid is a compound, made up of hydrogen and chlorine. The hydrogen will be displaced, and the magnesium will link with the chlorine to form the compound, magnesium chloride.

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        This is the formula for the reaction:

Mg                +        2HCl                        MgCl2                 +         H2

magnesium        hydrochloric acid        magnesium chloride                hydrogen

There are several factors that could possibly affect the rate of reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid. It depends on the surface area of the magnesium used, the mass of the magnesium, the temperature of the hydrochloric acid and the concentration of the hydrochloric acid.

Particles need to collide with enough velocity so that they react. As the temperature is increased the particles move faster; because they have more energy. This means that they are colliding more frequently and more of the collisions have enough velocity to cause ...

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