Measuring Heart Rate Increase With Exercise.

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Measuring Heart Rate Increase With Exercise.

This experiment that I am about to do is an experiment to see how the heart rate increases during exercise. The exercise that I do will speed up your heart rate, because the more exercise that you do the higher your pulse will rise. I will measure the heart rate by placing two fingers on to my wrist then I will count the number of beats for 1 minute. The equipment that I will use is an accurate stopwatch, a large surface area and 4 people to conduct my experiment. I will take each persons pulse rate before and after because I need to know what their resting pulse is at a normal time. I will vary the time for each person to see what the change there is in his or her heart rate I think that the factors that will change the heart rate are the duration of the time that the person dose the exercise, because the longer the person does the exercise the faster the heart rate. I will limit the time for each person, for example one minute for one person one minute 30 sec for another etc. The safety precautions that I will take, is to make sure that no obstacles are there too fall over, no dangerous spillages, I'll make sure that the each person during exercise doesn't have any medical problems, and to make sure that they don't exert them selves, and pass out. Here is some scientific knowledge about the heart.

The heart is placed almost in the centre of our chest, between the lungs, if you hold out your hand and make a fist, it would be that size, if you are an adult then you should put one fist together and your heart will be that size. Your heart beats 100,000 times in one day and about 35million times in a in a year during an average lifetime, the human heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times. If you take a tennis ball, and squeeze it heard, your using about the same amount of force you heart uses to pump blood out of the body. Even at rest, the muscles of the heart work heard, twice as heard as the leg muscles of a person sprinting. You can feel your pulse by placing two fingers at pulse points on you neck or wrist. The pulse you can is blood stopping and starting as it moves through your arteries. As a kid, your resting pulse might range from 90-120 beats per minute. As an adult your pulse rate ranges to an average of 72 beats per minute. The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the diameter of a garden hose. Capillaries on the other hand, are so small that it takes ten of them to equal the thickness of a human hair. Your body has about 5.6 litres (6 quarters) Of blood these 5.6 litres of blood circulates through the body three. Times every minute. In one day, the blood travels a total of 19,000km (12,000 miles) that's for tones the distance across the U.S from coast to coast. The heart pumps about 1 million barrels of blood during an average lifetime that's enough to fill 3 super tankers. Day and night the muscles of your heart contracts and relaxes to pump blood thought your body. When blood returns to the heart, it flows a complicated pathway.
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During this experiment I am going to investigate the human pulse rate. To do this I will conduct three separate experiments. In Experiment one I will make my experimenters do a certain exercise of 30 second, and take the pulse rate before and after the person does the exercise. In experiment two the person will do the same exercise but for 1 min. and I will take further the pulse rates of the person before and after the exercise. In the third experiment I will do the same thing a further one more time but this ...

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