My aim for this experiment is to discover how varying the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) affects the decomposition of marble chips (calcium carbonate).The equation for this reaction is: CaCO3+2HCl CaCl2 +H2O+CO2

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        My aim for this experiment is to discover how varying the concentration of hydrochloric acid (HCl) affects the decomposition of marble chips (calcium carbonate).

The equation for this reaction is:

CaCO3+2HCl              CaCl2 +H2O+CO2

Background knowledge ( Found via the internet and ‘Key Science Chemistry’ by Eileen Ramsden)

What is limestone?

Limestone and chalk are sedimentary rocks with their main compound being calcium carbonate.  Limestone is mainly found underneath the sea as it is formed by the skeletons and shells of tiny sea animals compressed under many layers of other materials.

We are being supplied with marble chips instead of limestone. This is because acid rain will wear away limestone for many years, and we haven’t got that much time, so that is why we are using marble chips instead.  This will not affect the reaction as marble is of the same composition as limestone and chalk, calcium carbonate (CaCO3) but because of high temperatures and pressures has been turned into a metaphoric rock.

What is weathering?

There are many types of weathering: Chemical weathering, physical weathering which includes (wind abrasion and ice).

However only chemical weathering- acid rain will be used in this experiment.

Acid rain (Chemical weathering) therefore,

Acid + carbonate               salt + CO2+ H2O

Acid Rain

Acid rain is caused by pollutants and chemicals released into the atmosphere.  The rainwater is already naturally acidic because of the carbon dioxide dissolved in it, however sulphur dioxide given out by car exhausts and power stations, meet with the air to make sulphur trioxide.  This dissolves in rainwater to make sulphuric acid.  Nitrogen dioxide (found in car exhausts), when dissolved in rainwater gives nitric acid.  Acid rain is a weathering agent because the acid reacts with alkaline.  Calcium carbonate, which is found in limestone, is strongly alkaline, simply meaning that there is a strong reaction between limestone and acid rain.



The variables that may have an affect on this experiment are:

  • Size of marble chip- the size of the marble chip will affect our experiment because this dictates the surface area. The larger the surface area the more acid that will be in contact with the hydrochloric acid and able to react.
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  • Concentration of hydrochloric acid- this is the proportion of hydrochloric acid in the solution.

  • Volume of acid- this will be the amount of hydrochloric acid that will be reacted with the marble chips.

  • Catalysts- by weakening bonds these increase the rate of reaction by lowering activation energy a catalyst will not be used in this reaction, however.

  • Mass of marble chips- The mass of the marble chips is a way of measuring the quantity of chips being used.

  • Temperature- the temperature adds energy to the reaction an affects how quickly the particles move. By doing ...

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