n this experiment I am going to observe and record the rate of reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid.

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How does concentration affect rate of reaction


I predict that as the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid is increased, the time taken for the magnesium to dissolve is decreased. So, the higher the concentration of the acid, the faster the reaction will be. This would be cause by increasing the concentration of Hydrochloric acid the number of particles are increased which means that there is more hydrochloric acid to react with the magnesium strip. This would also cause the particles to move faster and therefore there will be a greater chance of more successful collisions.


In this experiment I am going to observe and record the rate of reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid. My aim is to find out how the rate of reaction will be increased or decreased if I change the concentration of the Hydrochloric Acid. Magnesium will react with Hydrochloric acid, because it is higher in the reactivity series than Hydrogen. The Magnesium displaces the Hydrogen in the acid, so it forms Magnesium Chloride and Hydrogen gas. I will first run a pilot test so that so that if any problems occur I can fix them before                                                                                                                      


Particles in a molecule move around. The speed of the particles depends on the energy of the particles. We know that the particles in a solid move slow. The particles in a liquid move fast and the particles in a gas move even faster.

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The rate of a reaction is the speed at which a reaction takes place. If a reaction has a low reaction rate it tells us that the particles are combining at a slower speed. The rate of reaction depends on the type of molecules that are combining and a few other variables such as temperature, concentration, surface area and pressure of gas.

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For a reaction to take place the molecules have to collide with each other, however for a collision to be successful they must collide with sufficient energy. By ...

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