"Oh My Elbow - Investigation Into Force Applied To Elbow Joint".

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Preliminary Work        


Method One        




“Oh My Elbow – Investigation into Force Applied To Elbow Joint”


The intention of this investigation is to investigate the force needed by the biceps in the arm as the forearm is held at different positions, and more precisely to test the variation of force with the angle of the forearm to the vertical.


Preliminary Work

Before going into any theoretical observations or calculations, I conducted some preliminary work, so I could roughly identify what was going to happen in the investigation. To do this I held a dumbbell in my hand, and then changed to angle to the vertical so I could get a grasp of what I was measuring. I found there to be little change with respect to the angle, except for when the angle was zero and then this was quite obviously the easiest position to hold the dumbbell. Then I began to think about what the muscles are doing when my arm is at the different positions decided by the angle to the vertical. The muscle that is doing the “work” (experiencing the force we are trying to measure) is the biceps. Muscles can only contract (i.e. become shorter and thicker), and in doing so the muscle pulls on the bone to which it is attached (see above diagram). When the biceps relax (i.e. the arm is straight), the muscles no longer exert a pulling force, and so I conclude form this that at 0° to the vertical the muscle will not have a pulling force and so the answer will be 0N. From this I have discovered that 0° will be the point at which there will be no tension at the muscle and so the object will feel lightest at this point(i.e. you will only be feeling the weight of the arm and the object). To check my theory above I performed 4 preliminary experiments using the apparatus and found that the force was almost zero for 0° and around 8.5N for 40° and around 8N for 90° and around 9.7N for roughly 160°. This agrees with the statements above for this preliminary investigation.


The variables that I could change in my investigation are:

  • The weight of the ruler
  • The weight of the masses
  • The length of the ruler (i.e. different arm lengths)
  • The angle of the ruler to the vertical

The variable that I am going to be changing throughout my investigation is the angle of the ruler to the vertical, and if time constraints permit I will also be investigation the effect that changing the weight of the fixed masses has on my results. To make the experiment fair I will record all of the results is the same time slot, using the same equipment and setup so as to reduce random errors. I will also keep the weight of the ruler and masses and the length of the ruler constant.

Fair Test

To make my experiment fair (and therefore the results more accurate) I will obtain all my results in one sitting, this will reduce random error. I will also keep the variables that I am not changing the same. I will try and keep all other factors the same including environmental factors (such as temperature) to make this experiment fair.

Range of Observations

I firstly decided to take measurement of the force every 10°, for the angle to the vertical, but in practice I realised that this would be hard to obtain these angles correctly in my investigation, so instead I have decided to take at least 15 readings for different angles. This is because I feel it gives me a wide range of results and it also allows me to record the results all in one sitting because of the little time it takes to record the 15 or so results. I feel that this is a good compromise between range and time. I will take readings three times so as to lower the chance of error and anomalous results. I believe that 3 times will give me enough readings to draw accurate conclusions from, and also to take an average in case the results differ slightly.

Safe Working

In this experiment I see no immediate danger of threats to health, but as with all experiments, care must be taken and the rules of the laboratory followed and common sense must be used at all times.

Sources of Error

The main sources of error that I can see in my experiment will be the angle measurement and also the force measurement. The specific errors in measuring these quantities include:

Zero Errors – When the spring balance is not set at exactly zero, or if the protractor is not in line with the vertical. I will be checking these thoroughly before actually performing my experiment.

Parallax Errors – When noting the quantity on the spring balance, different angles of viewing will produce slightly different results. The same goes for the protractor. I will try to reduce these errors by staying at eye-level when recording my results.

Sensitivity of Equipment – The accuracy of the protractor and the spring balance could also affect my results. I will be checking the accuracy of the equipment and taking this into account in my final results.

Sideways Pull – When conducting my preliminary investigation I noticed that the ruler was always pulled slightly to one side no matter what position I placed the ruler on the nails. This will increase friction on the ruler as it is more in contact with the nail and is on the point of moving across the nail.

Friction – Friction will play a major part in my investigation as it involves moving parts. There will be friction on both nails and also in the spring balance. As I found when conducting my preliminary investigation, the ruler sticks on the nail and so this means that a certain angles can have a range of different forces, this I think that will be the biggest error factor in my investigation, because this will not be taken into account in my predictions.

The Accuracy of the Masses –  The two 50g masses which will be used in my experiment are said to be 50g but this will only be measured to a certain ± error value, and this could be one factor why my results may agree with my predictions, but I think that it is small enough to neglect in my final conclusions. I did try to accurately weight the masses but the mass balance was so sensitive that even a footstep at the other side of the room was enough to make it unstable and so I decided to just use the value given (2x50g) in my hypothesis.

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Method One

I will set up the apparatus as shown above and to the specifications on the Practical Cover Sheet. Then I will place two stools at either side of the apparatus, on one of the stools I will place a light connected to a lab pack and one the other I will place a large flat aboard with an attached piece of white paper. This board will be attached to the stool. The light will then be turned on and the shadow of the string will then be focussed cleared on the board by moving the stools either ...

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