Osmosis. I was aiming to find out the effect a concentration of solute (in my investigation, sugar) has on the mass of potato tissue.

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OSMOSIS COURSEWORK                                                        

I have completed an investigation into the osmosis in potato cells.  During the investigation I was aiming to find out the effect a concentration of solute (in my investigation, sugar) has on the mass of potato tissue. I then recorded my results into a table and two graphs, which are attached.

In my investigation, I controlled the following variables:

  • Type of potato
  • Size of potato
  • Temperature of water
  • Type of solute (sugar)

The independent variable in my investigation was:

  • Concentration of solute


Based on the table and the two graphs attached, my results show me that only the potato placed in pure water, increased in mass. All the other potatoes, which were placed into a solution of sugar and water, decreased in mass. The pattern is that the higher the concentration of sugar, the higher the decrease in mass. This change of mass occurs due to a process called osmosis.

Osmosis is the diffusion of water through a semi permeable membrane, separating solutions of different concentrations. The water passes from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, until the two concentrations are equal in concentrations of water.

When a potato is placed in pure water (hypotonic solution), the potato will have a low concentration of water compared to the water in its surrounding. As a result water enters the cell sap by osmosis – the water molecules have moved from a region of high concentration (the surrounding) to a region of low concentration (the cell sap). This causes the potato to gain in mass. The cell then swells and becomes turgid. This turgidity is caused by the cell reaching its maximum amount of water due to the vacuole being hypertonic compared to the solution outside the cell.

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When a potato is placed in a hypertonic solution (high solute, low water concentration), the potato will have a high concentration of water compared to the sugar solution. As a result water leaves by osmosis – the water molecules have moved from a region of high concentration (the cell sap) to a region of low concentration (the surrounding). This causes the potato to lose mass. If the potato loses too much water due to the amount of solute in the solution being high, the cell content shrinks or becomes flaccid. This process is known as plasmolysis.

Equilibrium occurs ...

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