Osmosis Investigation
In this experiment I will be seeing how the strength of a glucose solution effect the size, mass and volume of a potato chip. I aim to conduct a fair test by making sure that the potato chips are the same length and mass, making sure that the potatoes are all the same types because some may have a different reaction to others. This could be due to different genetic structures within the potato, so if you use one Varity of potato the cells may have larger storing capabilities than another variety. Also some potatoes may have more cells than others so there will be bigger changes due to osmosis, that is why I will use the same variety of potato. The potatoes stay in the solution the same length of time. This is because the longer they stay in the more osmosis will take place. So if you left some in for only 30 minutes and some in for an hour, the ones that have been in for an hour will have had a larger change because osmosis will have been taking place for a longer period of time. By making sure I use the same measuring and weighing equipment and by making sure that the temperature and light intensity are the same for each experiment, temperature if high could make the potatoes dry up and make the water evaporate, this would lead to misleading and anomalous results. The light intensity could trigger off photosynthesis, this would mean that there would be a larger amount of glucose in the potatoes, this would also lead to inaccurate results. To do this I will do the experiment at room temperature (which is measured before hand using a thermometer) and conduct it in a classroom.
This experiment could have uses in the everyday world. For example in a fish and Chip shop, they could peel and chip a batch of potatoes and just add them to the fryer when needed. You would put the chipped potatoes into pure water; this would keep the potatoes fresh and stop them from drying up, also it would increase their size. This is because of a process called osmosis.
To make the experiment as accurate as possible I will use the most accurate equipment available to me, this will help me gain precise results and help me plan a precise graph and do a precise conclusion. To make it as precise as possible I will repeat the experiments as many times as possible and take averages. I have also done detailed research using the Internet; this research is about osmosis and will help me do an accurate prediction. I have also done preliminary work, this will help me to make an accurate prediction to what is going to happen in the proper experiment, and also I have used it to choose the ranges of strengths and the size of potato.
In this experiment I will be seeing how the strength of a glucose solution effect the size, mass and volume of a potato chip. I aim to conduct a fair test by making sure that the potato chips are the same length and mass, making sure that the potatoes are all the same types because some may have a different reaction to others. This could be due to different genetic structures within the potato, so if you use one Varity of potato the cells may have larger storing capabilities than another variety. Also some potatoes may have more cells than others so there will be bigger changes due to osmosis, that is why I will use the same variety of potato. The potatoes stay in the solution the same length of time. This is because the longer they stay in the more osmosis will take place. So if you left some in for only 30 minutes and some in for an hour, the ones that have been in for an hour will have had a larger change because osmosis will have been taking place for a longer period of time. By making sure I use the same measuring and weighing equipment and by making sure that the temperature and light intensity are the same for each experiment, temperature if high could make the potatoes dry up and make the water evaporate, this would lead to misleading and anomalous results. The light intensity could trigger off photosynthesis, this would mean that there would be a larger amount of glucose in the potatoes, this would also lead to inaccurate results. To do this I will do the experiment at room temperature (which is measured before hand using a thermometer) and conduct it in a classroom.
This experiment could have uses in the everyday world. For example in a fish and Chip shop, they could peel and chip a batch of potatoes and just add them to the fryer when needed. You would put the chipped potatoes into pure water; this would keep the potatoes fresh and stop them from drying up, also it would increase their size. This is because of a process called osmosis.
To make the experiment as accurate as possible I will use the most accurate equipment available to me, this will help me gain precise results and help me plan a precise graph and do a precise conclusion. To make it as precise as possible I will repeat the experiments as many times as possible and take averages. I have also done detailed research using the Internet; this research is about osmosis and will help me do an accurate prediction. I have also done preliminary work, this will help me to make an accurate prediction to what is going to happen in the proper experiment, and also I have used it to choose the ranges of strengths and the size of potato.