Osmosis investigation.

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Osmosis investigation.

Background knowledge:

The information of the background knowledge comes from my own knowledge and textbooks. Form my own knowledge I that Osmosis is the movement of water molecules, form a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration.  (Weak to concentrated solution) through a semi permeable membrane until concentrations become uniform (equal on both sides of the membrane). But osmosis also affects other factor such as plant and animal cells. This knowledge has come from a textbook.

In animal cells have red blood cells, which contain solutions such as salts and other substances. But when these cells are placed in water they expand. When they are in the water the cells aren’t visible. This is because the water has entered the cells by osmosis causing the cells to swell and eventually burst haemolysis. But when the cells are bathed in a concentred solution, the water moves out by osmosis. So the cells shrink and become crinkled, this is know as crenation.

When plant cells, are placed in water they increase in size. The water has entered the cells by osmosis, causing them to swell. This is when the vacuole is pressing against the cytoplasm and the cell wall. The cells are now fully turgid. Unlike the animal cells the plant cells don’t burst because the cell walls are tough and strong.  But when the cells are placed in a salt concentration, the vacuole shrinks. The cytoplasm is pulled away from the cell wall. The cell membrane also pulls away from the cell wall. This is known as plasmolysis. Now the animal cell is now as a plasmolysed cell.  This happened because the water from inside the cell has moved out, due to osmosis


My aim is to investigate three factors; those three factors are concentration of solution, mass before and after and length before and after. I will investigate solution by using four different solutions, for example 0g/l, 50g/l, 100g/l, 150g/l and 200g/l. For testing the mass I will weigh the chips before putting them into a solution and weigh them after an hour and half and then see the percentage change between the two weights. The potato chip will be weighted using a scale.

Testing the length is quite similar I will check the length before I put the chips in to the solution and then check the length after an hour and half and record the results. The potato chip will have their length taken using a ruler.


Osmosis is the passage of water molecules from a weaker solution into a stronger solution, through a partially permeable membrane.  In this case, a semi-permeable in the membrane of the potatoes will allow the water molecules to pass through in and out of the solution and the potato, depending on the concentration gradient of the two substances.  So in this case, when the water concentration is lower in the tissue, the water will go inside the tissue of the potato, and the potato will gain mass.  If there is very little different in the two water concentrations, there shouldn’t be such a big change in mass. Also if there is a higher concentration of water in the potato, then the water will go out of the potato and into the liquid solution, as osmosis is the movement of water molecules from a region of high concentration to a region of low concentration, through a partially permeable membrane.        

The potato, cut up into pieces, will need some sort of element to survive, and in this experiment, it would be light and water.  With both of these sources, the potato will keep on working until it dies of either lack of water or too much water, or will stop, as both sides would become equal, making no more reactions.  When the concentration gradient is lower in the potato, the water will transfer from the solution into the potato.

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In the distilled water, I believe that the water is more concentrated in the dish, and therefore the water should transfer from the water to the potato, making the potato bigger in size, and heavier in weight.  The potato tissues, being surrounded by a weak solution, will be most likely to swell up and become turgid, taking in all the water it can possibly take in.

So the higher the concentration the more chance of reduction in mass, for example if the concentration is 150g/l the water is more likely to move out. So if the concentration was 0g/l then ...

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