Osmosis, My aim for this experiment is to see the results of potato tissue's mass difference, when placed in different concentrations of sugar solutions. Variables involved:

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Background Information

Osmosis is defined as the movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low water concentration, across a semi-permeable membrane.

In a high concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sugar) is low. This could be called a weak or dilute solution.

In a low concentration of water the amount of solute (e.g. sugar) is high. This could be called a strong or concentrated solution.

When two such solutions are divided by a semi-permeable membrane the water will move from the area of high concentration to the area of low concentration, until both sides are equal (have reached equilibrium).

This can be seen in living cells. The cell membrane in cells is semi-permeable and the vacuole contains a sugar/salt solution. So when a cell is placed in distilled water (high water concentration) water will move across the semi-permeable membrane into the cell (lower water concentration) by osmosis, making the cell swell. This cell is now referred to as turgid. If done with potato cells the cells would increase in length volume and mass because of the extra water.

If these potato cells were placed in a solution with a low water concentration, then the opposite would happen. Water would move out of the cell into the solution. In extreme cases the cell membrane breaks away from the cell wall and the cell is referred to as plasmolysed. The potato cells will have decreased in length, volume and mass.

The greater the concentration of water in the external solution the greater the amount of water that enters the cell by osmosis. The smaller the concentration of water in the external solution the greater the amount of water that leaves the cell.


My aim for this experiment is to see the results of potato tissue's mass difference, when placed in different concentrations of sugar solutions.

Variables involved:

For this experiment I would expect to have 3 different variables, Independent, Dependent, and fixed variables, which all helps me to plan and explain the experiment thoroughly.

The Independent variable (things I will change), the thing that I will be changing in this investigation into the factors affecting osmosis, is the concentrations of the solution that helps me to investigate osmosis with potato tissues. The different sugar concentrations will be changed to see the result of the potatoes when placed in sugar solutions placed in different molarities (strengths).

Dependent Variable (things that I will measure) the things that I'll be measuring in this experiment on osmosis is the mass change and length change of the potatoes placed in different molarities of sugar solutions. I will record the masses in grams by using a balance and the length changes by using a ruler.

Fixed Variables (Things that I will keep the same) the things that I have chosen to keep the same in each individual experiment to keep it a fair test is to keep the same sizes of each potato tissue the same by using the same core borer and making sure the length is correct with a ruler. I will be keeping the same amount of solution placed in the test tubes for each different experiment, which I will measure using a measuring cylinder. I will also be keeping the same potato through out the whole experiment to as using a different one might give me anomalous results as some might have more water in it then others.

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  • Core Borer ,
  • Water,
  • Timer,
  • Measuring cylinder,
  • Potato,
  • 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,1 and 1.5 Molar Solutions of Sugar water
  • Distilled Water
  • Scales,
  • Test tubes,
  • Test tubes rack,
  • Sticky labels,
  • Ruler,
  • Perpet,

Fair Testing:

In this experiment on osmosis there should only be two changing variables:

1: Different molarities of sugar solution,

2: Change in mass of the potato samples.

To keep these two variables the only variables in the experiment I must:

1: Keep the potato samples the same length. This is because if one potato sample ...

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