Osmosis, This experiment is about how osmosis works in a potato. I am going to do this by using different solution water and pouring the water in a tube and see what effects its going to have on the potato.

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This experiment is about how osmosis works in a potato. I am going to do this by using different solution water and pouring the water in a tube and see what effects it’s going to have on the potato.


I think some of the potato will expand and lose weight and some potato will gain weight.


I predict that the potato with less concentration of salt will gain weight and the potato with high concentration will lose it weight.


I am going to carry out this experiment using potato and different solution of salt water and also a control test. In which I will use tap water to see the difference in between.



Osmosis is defined as the net movement of water or any other solutions molecules from a region in which they are highly concentrated to a region in which they are less concentrated. This movement must take place across a partially permeable membrane such as a cell wall, which lets smaller molecules such as water through but does not allow bigger molecules to pass through. It is measured in the change of mass of the partially permeable membrane.

As we know, sucrose molecules can not pass through a cell wall, but it does affect osmosis in potato cells, because if there is a high concentration of sucrose in a solution then there will be a low concentration of water molecules. So in order for the solution to become dilute the water molecules in the potato cell which have a higher concentration than the solution, move to the less concentrated solution of water molecules. This decreases the mass of the potato chip because it has lost water molecules. But if there is a low concentration of sucrose in the solution then there will be a high concentration of water molecules. So the high concentration of water molecules moves to the lower concentration of water molecules in the potato cell causing the potato chip to increase in mass.

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I have chosen to investigate and study what the effect of Osmosis can have upon the mass of a potato chip, using different concentrations of solution. I am going to find this out by cutting the potato into different sizes and putting it in different solutions.

I am going find this out by cutting the potato and weighing the potato before and after the solutions. Then I will leave the solution for an hour and after that I will check the difference and plot a scatter and bar graph showing the difference in volume.


To find if ...

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