Our assignment was to produce a piece of coursework investigating the rates of reaction, and the effect different changes have on them.

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Our assignment was to produce a piece of coursework investigating the rates of reaction, and the effect different changes have on them.

The rate of reaction is the speed of a chemical reactions, usually used in terms of the concentrations of reactant consumed in a given time.

What could affect the rate of a reaction

* Temperature

* Concentration (of solution)

* Surface are (of solid reactants),

* And Catalyst

I have chosen to investigate the effect the concentration will have on the rate of reaction.

This is because it is the easiest and the most practical to investigate -

*it would take longer to prepare a solid in powdered and unpowdered form,

*it is difficult to get accurate readings due to the probability of human errors,

*the use of a catalyst complicates things, and if used incorrectly could affect the end results.
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Aim: -

To see the effects of a change in concentration on the rate of a reaction.

Sodium Thiosulphate + Hydrochloric Acid = Sodium +water + sulphur dioxide

Na( S( 0( + 2HCl = 2Nacl +H(O + So(

We will be varying the concentration (while keeping everything else constant).

Both the sodium Thiosulphate and the Hydrochloric acid are soluble in water, so the concentration of either can be changed.

However I have chosen to vary the sodium Thiosulphate as it is available in larger amounts, and various concentrations are ...

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